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The good ol' US of A, and a bit of Mexico thrown in for good measure!

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Saddle sore!

Moab, United States

Drove about 280 Miles from our B+B in Silverthorne, Colorado to Moab, Utah. Once we'd turned off the main Interstate we drove down the most amazing road following the Colorado River through a canyon. Fantastic sandstone scenery. Took us hours as we kept stopping to take pictures!!

Arrived in Moab, which after first impressions seemed to be a town in the middle of no where just made of hotels and motels! The cheap backpackers hostel we had seen on the internet for $26 for both of us for the night had no rooms left - sigh.
But as there were about a billion more places to pick from we decided to play a few against each other to get the rates down. Hurrah.

After a walk through town we discovered some cool quirky shops selling cool quirky things!! Good job it was all too big or heavy to get in our cases!

We were in Moab as Paul had heard it was the "mountain biking Mecca of the world". We hired a couple of bikes and went out on the "easy trail" called the "Bar-M Loop". At 7 Miles long and a mix of rock, dirt track, up, and down, it was enough for Helen! There were some fanstastic views across the desert landscape.

From Moab we drove about 100 Miles south to Bluff - a place Paul had picked purely by looking at the map, and which we soon discovered was one road in the middle of absolutely no where.

This place made Moab look like the busiest place in the universe!! We found a place to stay - what can only be described as a shed. Paul says "log cabin"! It was quirky and unique anyway!!

Right next door was the Cottonwood Steakhouse, which was clearly the only place to eat within a hundred mile radius so they got our business! It was actually fantastic, and luckily had a vegetarian option!! Paul had half a rack of ribs which were really good and cooked outside on a big grill.

Next stop - Monument Valley.

permalink written by  helenandpaul on May 3, 2008 from Moab, United States
from the travel blog: The good ol' US of A, and a bit of Mexico thrown in for good measure!
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Monument Valley and scary dams!

Page, United States

Drove through Monument Valley which was really cool! Didn't see any cowboys and Indians though - although it felt like they could pop out from behind a rock at any minute, and Paul sang the Lone Ranger all the way down the road, haha!

From Monument Valley we carried on about 80 Miles to Page, Arizona. We went to the Glen Canyon Dam Visitors Centre and found out we were just in time to join the free one hour tour!! We walked out on top of the dam and Helen thinks she was very brave considering dams make her itch, haha! At 700ft high that's a whole lot of itching!! Jude - if you're reading this I hope you're proud!! You'd have hated every second of it!!

Drove a bit further on to a point that overlooked Lake Powell

and then drove back into Page to find somewhere to stay for the night.
Have entered another time zone now, so we're now 8 hours behind the UK.

We're now setting off to the Grand Canyon, South Rim.

Can hopefully add some more pictures when we're not using the world's most temperamental computer!!!

permalink written by  helenandpaul on May 3, 2008 from Page, United States
from the travel blog: The good ol' US of A, and a bit of Mexico thrown in for good measure!
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Silverthorne, United States

Just a quickie today to mainly put some photos on as we've figured out how to trick the B+B computer into letting us upload!

Leaving Silverthorne, Colorado, tomorrow. Probably heading for Moab, Utah, about 280 Miles away. Paul has heard there is good mountain biking there, which obviously fills Helen with joy!

Have had a good time in Silverthorne. The B+B was brill, Arapahoe Basin was really good; the snow was brilliant, the weather was fantastic, the atmosphere was great, the people were really friendly, and the American boarders were crazy with their ski-bikes, and the snowboard races with "how many people can you fit on one snowboard" seeming to be the favourite race catagory! However, the highlight?! It's got to be the four guys sitting at the picnic bench deciding they were all going to sit on one side so they could look at the slopes while they drank their pints. Que, bench falling over backwards, drinks sliding into their laps and them having a view of the sky. Maybe it was a "you had to be there moment", but Helen's still laughing about it now! Ok, get over it!

So for today there's only one last thing to say: BOING BOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

permalink written by  helenandpaul on April 29, 2008 from Silverthorne, United States
from the travel blog: The good ol' US of A, and a bit of Mexico thrown in for good measure!
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Still just snow!!

Silverthorne, United States

Had a day off from boarding yesterday (Saturday) as we thought the slopes would be really busy at the weekend (and mainly cus we got up too late and had a lazy morning!!) Went out the night before for a meal with two other B+B guests - Zach and Sarah; two really cool Americans, Sarah lives near Denver and Zach is from Brooklyn and on a road trip to LA! Maybe we'll see him "on the road"! They asked us sensible questions like "does everyone hate your new Prime Minister?", "how do you elect a PM in the UK?", "how expensive are things in England?", "what's the food like?", "how much is petrol?", "does everyone watch 'soccer'"? The most important question Helen had?? No, not about President Bush, or who's going to be the next President, or the war in Iraq, or the rising price of petrol in the USA, or global warming - but "where can I buy Lucky Charms cereal?!". To her joy and delight it is available in all supermarkets - wahoo! Not like at home where it is now only stocked by Selfridges for an extortionate fee for a tiny pot! We are now the proud owners of 2 huge boxes, and are seriously considering leaving all our clothes here and bringing back suitcases full of cereal!

Went to the shopping outlet village 5 minutes away from the B+B. Paul nearly cried over the cheapness of the snowboard boots, and after making Helen try on every pair in the shop he finally found some to fit her awkward feet and decided the offer of a new pair of boots for 25 pounds was far too good to miss! Not sure how we're going to get them home, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it! If it's a toss up between the new boots and the Lucky Charms then the cereal wins hands down! Paul's idea of filling them with Lucky Charms might just work!

Have been boarding again today (Sunday). Brilliant sunshine and clear blue skies. Helen watched over Paul making sure he really did cake himself in suntan lotion to stop his already burnt face getting any redder and more embarrassing! Factor 50 all the way today!! White forehead where his hat has been and lobster face from the eyebrows down is soooo not a good look!

Took a drive over to Breckenridge this evening just to have a look! The slopes are still covered in snow, but Government regulations mean they have had to close. Even Paul puppy dog eyeing the slopes and constantly muttering "such a waste" made no difference. They've got an 80 inch base of snow but had to close a few weeks ago. For anyone who cares Paul says the half-pipe and terrain park are pristine, but no one can access them.
Drove past Lake Dillon which is completely frozen and covered in feet of snow. Pretty spectacular! Fact for the day - Lake Dillon is home to the highest sailing club in the world at over 3000 metres.
We had a drink in Breckenridge, had a walk round the shops (most of which were closed for the season or because it was Sunday night - Paul's Bank Manager will be glad to hear!) and then headed back to the B+B to jump in the hot tub - hurrah!

No pictures this time as we can't get the camera to upload onto the B+B computer. Hopefully will be able to find a computer that will let us do that soon.

PS, Someone send a text or leave a comment letting us know how Albion get on please!!!!!

permalink written by  helenandpaul on April 27, 2008 from Silverthorne, United States
from the travel blog: The good ol' US of A, and a bit of Mexico thrown in for good measure!
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Silverthorne, United States

Had a really nice time at Great Falls National Park, Virginia - amazing views of the waterfall. Weather getting hotter! Helen thought she'd put suncream on the whole of her face - obviously not as she has a glow in the dark hairline! Excellent! Not a good look!

Janice gave us a lift to the airport, and we arrived in Denver, Colorado on time (after a connecting flight in Charlotte, North Carolina). Helen realised travelling in short trousers and flip flops was a bad idea, brrrrr!!! Picked the hire car up and figured out driving on the wrong side of the road in the snow, and made it to the B+B in Silverthorne at about 11.30pm. Probably a really pretty drive through the Rockies as we're pretty high up where we're staying, but it was pitch black.

Would have arrived at the B+B a bit earlier but the directions said "turn right off the main road and then right again after one block". As we had no idea how far "one block" was and as the street names were all covered in snow it took a bit of driving around!
Colorado is 2 hours behind DC so 11.30pm felt like 1.30am so it was straight to bed!
We are staying in the "Liberty Room" which is everything red, white and blue, stars and stripes, and Uncle Sam! Not as bad as it sounds - it's quite cool really!
The room next to us is "Paris" so we can only assume it's full of can-can girls and garlic.

After breakfast this morning we were shown where the hot tub is - hurrah! That will come in handy very soon as we've just got back in from a day on the slopes. Arapahoe Basin has to be the most chilled out ski area ever! There are three car parks - "early risers", "high noon", and "last chance". Those on "early risers" reverse their cars to the bottom of one of the slopes in an area called "the beach", set up camp, get out the bbq's and have a party!

As luck would have it the B+B is 5 minutes walk away from a big shopping outlet village! Well, it would be rude not to at least go and look wouldn't it.......!!

PS, Barnaby Bear is having a lovely time in case you're wondering!!!

permalink written by  helenandpaul on April 25, 2008 from Silverthorne, United States
from the travel blog: The good ol' US of A, and a bit of Mexico thrown in for good measure!
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Washington DC

Washington, United States

After Helen repacking her case three times and Paul not understanding why his suggestions of "all you need is a pair of shorts" really weren't useful, we finally made it to Gatwick on time! We saw Kate Garraway of GMTV and "Strictly Come Dancing" fame in departures - A list celebrity or what?!!?

Our travel companion is Barnaby bear - from Year 1 at Helen's Mom's school - so he'll be popping up throughout the trip and sending postcards and photo's back to the children at school. So far he's travelled in Helen's bag as Paul says he's not getting caught at customs with a teddy in his bag!

There were only 43 people on the flight from Gatwick. Helen said it'd be nice as we could stretch out a bit on the spare seats. Paul said it'd be nice as it meant the food would be served faster! Typical!!
We flew via Bermuda (which looks really nice and can be added to the list of places to go!!). We got off for refuelling - and two people with only hand luggage decided they quite liked the look of Bermuda and were going to stay there, but decided not to inform anyone! Hence a delay followed while the cabin crew tried to figure out why a plane that left London with 43 passengers was now down to 41!

Immigration at New York took about 5 minutes - unlike the 2 hours last time! But we knew it was too good to last and to punish us our flight down to Washington DC was 2 hours late. We finally arrived at midnight and met Simon at the airport, who drove us back to their wonderful house. Desperate Housewives eat your heart out - but without all the scandal obviously!!!

After a much needed sleep after 24 hours of travelling we thought the best way to refresh ourselves would be to go shopping - obviously!! Janice took us to the mall and we dived straight for Bloomingdales and Macy's!
Shopping was cut short so Paul could watch the Liverpool game (on at 3pm here), so Janice and Helen went for a pedicure and left the boys to it!

Went into Washington DC yesterday (Wednesday). Saw the Washington Monument (but needed to be there at 7.30am to get a ticket to go up it apparently!!)

Went to the White House - don't think George was home.

Walked along The Mall to Capitol Hill and then decided we'd pop into the "National Space and Air Museum". Hours later the day had disappeared and we were still looking at rockets, missiles and Helen was being given a physics lecture by Paul everytime anything to do with satellites or radio waves came up! Was a really good museum though, and all the museums in DC are free so that was a bonus!!

Walked back down The Mall to the World War II memorial which was really beautiful

Met Simon back at the office and Paul proved he really is as sad as we all think so when he's not photographing radio masts he's taking pictures of Arqiva offices worldwide!

Stopped of at a nice viewing point on the way back home to look at the Potomac River, and much to Paul's delight there was even a radio mast on the opposite hill - hurrah!

Have been out for two lovely meals with Simon and Janice and have really enjoyed our time staying with them in their gorgeous house!

Going to Great Falls Park with Janice now, and then back to the airport this afternoon. Next stop Denver!

permalink written by  helenandpaul on April 24, 2008 from Washington, United States
from the travel blog: The good ol' US of A, and a bit of Mexico thrown in for good measure!
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