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Post Work Trip - Vicky Griffiths

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A long weekend in Brunei

Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei

Not much more to see here, other than a big mosque, a big shopping mall and a lot of money.
The sultan wasn't in.

permalink written by  vicks4 on April 1, 2007 from Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei
from the travel blog: Post Work Trip - Vicky Griffiths
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Miri, Malaysia


permalink written by  vicks4 on March 23, 2007 from Miri, Malaysia
from the travel blog: Post Work Trip - Vicky Griffiths
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Into the jungle

Belaga, Malaysia

It's taken several days to get here, and we're well off the beaten track. The local tribes all lice in "Longhouses" which house approximately 400 people each.

One of the families had a baby monkey. They were treating it like a child. I made the mistake of asking how big it would grow. The anwer was "It could grow to be the size of a 5 year old child, but this one won't grow that big". "Why not?" I asked innocently.

"Because we'll have eaten it by then".

I say no more.

permalink written by  vicks4 on March 16, 2007 from Belaga, Malaysia
from the travel blog: Post Work Trip - Vicky Griffiths
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On to Borneo

Kuching, Malaysia

A lovely, developed city. We spent St Patrick's Day here. The good news wass there was plenty of Guinness, the bad news was that it wasn't developed enough to have a bar sto show Wales beating England.

permalink written by  vicks4 on March 13, 2007 from Kuching, Malaysia
from the travel blog: Post Work Trip - Vicky Griffiths
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Siquijor - Our final island in the Philippines

Siquijor, Philippines

Swimming in the a spring with the local children - it's supposed to have healing properties and the water is used by the local witches...

permalink written by  vicks4 on March 9, 2007 from Siquijor, Philippines
from the travel blog: Post Work Trip - Vicky Griffiths
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Panglao, Bohol

Panglao, Philippines

Did 2 dives on Panglao - we were joined by a sea snake that was about 2 metres long. One of the most posionous animals in the sea, but luckily its jaws are only big enough to bite you between your toes. I'm very thankful for my flippers.

permalink written by  vicks4 on March 5, 2007 from Panglao, Philippines
from the travel blog: Post Work Trip - Vicky Griffiths
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Overnight in Cebu

Cebu City, Philippines


permalink written by  vicks4 on March 4, 2007 from Cebu City, Philippines
from the travel blog: Post Work Trip - Vicky Griffiths
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Nuts Huts

Tagbilaran, Philippines

5 nights in Nuts Huts - not much to do here other than lounge in a hammock, read, eat, play Trivial pursuit, spot monkeys, swim in the river and trek through the jungle...
We only moved on because our visas were running out.

permalink written by  vicks4 on March 1, 2007 from Tagbilaran, Philippines
from the travel blog: Post Work Trip - Vicky Griffiths
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malapascua Island

Malay, Philippines

More diving, and we were lucky enough to sea a sea snake and a 5m Manta ray.

permalink written by  vicks4 on February 27, 2007 from Malay, Philippines
from the travel blog: Post Work Trip - Vicky Griffiths
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Caticlan, Philippines

3 nights in Boracay turne into a little less than a month. This island has everything you could ever need, and more. We had no reason to keep travelling.

permalink written by  vicks4 on January 26, 2007 from Caticlan, Philippines
from the travel blog: Post Work Trip - Vicky Griffiths
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