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Europe 2009

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Roadtrip to Snowdonia

Llanberis, United Kingdom

Well, after a good nights rest we packed up the car, left a big thank you note to Sue and Patrick and hit the road to Snowdonia. A five hour drive lay ahead of us, or rather, should I say Chris (remember it’s a manual car) and we were eager to make a move. The trip to Snowdonia was successful and uneventful thankfully. We left at 10ish in a bid to miss all the workers traffic and this plan went beautifully in our favour. The M roads are a bit scary to negotiate I must admit and I say that just as a passenger, I’d hate to have to drive them! 4 lanes, 2 taken up of massive lorry trucks and a million motorists who think that just because they have a fancy vehicle it gives them the right to tail gate you madly and then pull manouvers even James Bond and those on Top Gear wouldn’t attempt, it’s a crazy, insane world of motoring here! We were so thankful to get back on the smaller A and B roads (2 and single lane roads) As we drove along we passed an accident where there were 2 big lorrys involved. I’m no crime scene investigator but I think I saw enough to determine that one lorry had been overtaking another and when it was pulling back into the lane, clipped it and then overturned. One lorry was for a supermarket chain and the other was… a petrol tanker. There were police everywhere and they’d set a bloody good distance between themselves and the scene! There was a median strip between us and the scene so we were able to continue with our journey and the traffic was piled up for miles and miles and miles because of this accident. Remember, there are 4 lanes of traffic and the pile up went for, without exaggeration, 10 kms or so. It was MAD!!!! So glad we were travelling in the other direction. Thankfully that was the only accident we saw, the rest of the trip was uneventful. We drove til we got peckish and we pulled over in a park and had our picnic lunch before continuing on to the north of Wales. It is B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L here in Wales, I love everything about the place, the scenery, the weather, the homes, the people even there crazy mixed up garbled language! It is just stunning here and I stand by my previous declaration of “I’d move here in a heartbeat” I’d love to run a little B&B or something, it’d be a great spot for it. Maybe one day, a girl can dream for now! We spent some time relaxing at our little bunk house called the Eagles Inn, thankfully there are only 3 other people in the whole building, a rather nice couple from Belgium and a south Londoner, so the place is nice and free to wander and there are no hassels sharing a bathroom!

After a relax and hot drink we head to the village, which is nestled in a valley and surrounded by pine forests and rushing rivers and waterfalls, completely and utterly gorgeous and just so incredibly cozy! Quick dinner and then into bed for a very well deserved rest for Chris (having driven the entire way) and a quite well deserved rest for me, navigating is a stressful job you know!

permalink written by  Chris and Emily on May 5, 2009 from Llanberis, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Europe 2009
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Audley End House and Royston Caves

Royston, United Kingdom

What a chilly, grey day!! Rugged up and prepared with a thermos of warm coffee we made tracks to Audley End House, which isn’t too far from Sue and Patrick’s. It’s a lovely old stately home with huge gardens which members of the public are welcome to look around. Today when we arrived there were women doing reenactments of the yester-year, all dressed up and making Rhubarb pie, scones and butter the old school way, it was all very cool and what’s even better about all this is, is the fact that they were making all these goodies for a children’s picnic that was happening later in the day. It was a nice little touch and really brought the place alive. They told stories as if they were back in the 1800s and it was a lot of fun.

The house itself was impressive, many paintings of the lords and ladies of the day and the generations of those who had owned it. At one stage the King and Queen were said to be coming to stay at the house, so it was all done up and staff put to work, but then after spending so much money in doing this, the royals changed their mind and decided not to come, I guess if you’re the King of the country you can do that! The most beautiful part of the whole house though was the gardens. These were lovely, big and spacious. They have a veggie garden that was set up in the 1800s and is still bearing fruit and veg today. A stream and small waterfall ran through the lawns and there were lovely big old Oak trees all around. It was such a nice place to sit and relax and take it all in.

Though it doesn’t sound as if we saw much it took hours to get around the entire complex and gardens and we had to make tracks to Royston Caves as it was close to closing. We made it to this destination with half an hour to spare and if I’m going to be honest, this attraction has been one of my very favorite during our entire trip. It’s just a small cave about 30 mts underground and it has carvings all around the walls of various different historical figures ranging from St Christopher, Christ on the cross, an angel sitting at an empty tomb, St George with a cross pointing up towards the 12 disciples and another with a hand extended with a dove flying out representing the day of Pentecost, and what’s more is that these carvings were hand chiseled way back in the 1000AD by the Knights Templar. All very very impressive and just mind boggling to me.

I loved these caves. This cave was made in secret and was also a meeting place for the Templers, it wasn’t actually found until the 1700s. It was just very amazing and I had a sense of peace and calmness over me as we stood in the cave and I could have stayed a lot longer, if it weren’t so bloody cold! We head home then for an early night and one where Chris and I began to pack up packs once more as tomorrow we’re headed out on a road trip to Snowdonia and the Lake district, something we’re very very much looking forward too!!

permalink written by  Chris and Emily on May 4, 2009 from Royston, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Europe 2009
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Dover (South of England not South of Tassie...)

Dover, United Kingdom

Another big day of driving and sight seeing lay ahead of us today so another bright and early start was in order. I don’t mind early starts, infact I’m more of an early bird than a night owl, but too many early starts in a row combined with not enough sleep the night before and my eyes feel like sandpaper the next day, and that may I say, is not a pleasant feeling! Today we packed our bags, filled the car up with petrol and head to Deal Castle. It was an impressive little castle sitting on a beach front; it looked quite sweet really so far as castles go… We held our little history walky talky things to our ears once more and trudged around the fort listening to all the history and explanations of which room was which and what took place in there. When we use these history walky talky things, they always remind me of mobile phones and it’s funny to look about the room and see everyone holding these things to their ear or struggling to hold them in the crook of their necks in a bid to hold them to their ear as they also try to take photos. To be honest I’ve given up on mine, I now figure it’s easier to walk around and take photos freely and ask Chris for the info later. The good thing about this too is that he puts it all into layman’s terms for me and only tells me the parts he knows I’ll actually be interested in, so it works well. I’m the photographer and he’s my info guide, roles we’re both happy with.

As sweet as Deal Castle was we didn’t spend long there, we had bigger castles to visit, so we head off to Dover, to see the white cliffs, the port to France and the castle it boasts, and my oh my, it is indeed a big castle! It’s perched high on a hill overlooking the English Channel and on a clear day you can see France sitting opposite. It’s all rather impressive really. The grounds for the castle are huge and steep (argh!) but what was truly impressive and rather funky, were the secret tunnels that lay underground. These tunnels were used in WW2 and were the base for operation Dynamo, an operation that saw the return of many soldiers from France. It was rather involved and full on, and very very well thought out. In these tunnels there were bunkers for soldiers, operation rooms, the living quarters for the captain of the army and a hospital. It was very very amazing. We then took a bit of a look around the castle itself. What we did see in the way of the castle was great, but there was quite a bit undergoing restoration so we didn’t get to see those parts. Still, it was great to see and the view from the castle out over the Channel was great. We then took a small drive to the water front where we took a little trundle along the ‘beach’ and grabbed an ice cream. It was a lovely day, so much to see and take in and once again we had a lovely time with Sue and Patrick. We really can’t thank them enough for what they’ve done for us, you can only say thank you so many times but even then it doesn’t seem enough. We are very thankful and appreciative of them, and of Ann and Brian and the family, they’ve all helped to make our stay thus far so warm and interesting and so so enjoyable. We really do love them all!

permalink written by  Chris and Emily on May 3, 2009 from Dover, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Europe 2009
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The two S' Sailsbury & Stonehenge

Stonehenge, United Kingdom

Up bright and early today for the journey to Salisbury Cathedral for a bit of a look around before heading to Stonehenge. In the end we only looked around the outside of Salisbury Cathedral, though I’m sure it was beautiful the asking price for admission was a little steep and to be fare, once you’ve seen one high ceiling, stain glass English Cathedral, you’ve seen them all. It’s the history about that particular Cathedral that makes it interesting really. It was a gorgeous, huge Cathedral though, very impressive from the outside!!

We didn’t have much time to waste today though; we had a long drive ahead of us to Stonehenge. I don’t know what I was really expecting, or more to the point where I was expecting Stonehenge to be, but in a paddock near a main road wasn’t it! I thought you’d have to walk some time through a paddock to get to it, not just see it sitting there just off a main road where people could pull over and take a piccie without paying for admission. It was darn impressive though! There is something eerily and odd about the place at the same time as being awe inspiring and pretty awesome. We hired little walky talky like devices that were in actual fact our tour and history headsets and made our way to the stones where we listened and learnt some of the theories and possibilities of how the stones came to be. To be fair, no one actually knows how the stones were made or why, there are myths (the devil dropped them there, Merlin used his magic to move them there) but no one really knows.

There are burial mounds (which are actually known as Barrows here) about a km away, which have the remains of the men who worked on Stonehenge 2000 years ago. Some of these mounds are mass burial grounds and some contain only one man, but no one knows who they were or what they were up too. It was all very eerie and impressive. After Stonehenge we moved on to another little village where there is a mini Stonehenge. The rocks aren’t all in a close circle and built on top of one another, but instead are in two circles (an outer and an inner) and there are huge rocks just standing up out of the ground in a row that apparently leads the way to the real Stonehenge.

All I can say is that the men who worked on these rocks and patterns back in the day must have been pretty bloody fit! These rocks are huge!! We took a little look around before heading home again for a much deserved early night! (Oh, Patrick picked up a ginormous wheel of Brie for five pounds, it was a pure bargain and they shall be eating it for the rest of there life at this rate, it was well too big!)

permalink written by  Chris and Emily on May 2, 2009 from Stonehenge, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Europe 2009
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BPP (BAS, Punts and Pints)

Cambridge, United Kingdom

Up early and into Cambridge once more so that Chris could go and meet some members of the B.A.S As he did this I took another day to discover Cambridge, taking in a market where I haggled for some bracelets and scarves, I felt quite proud when I was able to get both for a decent price. I moved on and found a very funky shop called Octopus which I love, it sells all sorts of odds and ends which are really really funky and fun, I was tempted to buy one of everything in the store but unfortunately it’s also a very funky, fun and expensive store, so I just had to look and not touch. I did however discover an antique book store and couldn’t help but buy a few small story books there. They cost a little bit, but I figure that with antiques the price is only going to go up… right? Besides which, I thought they were very sweet little books and are already 150 years old, so I’m quite impressed with the quality and state of them both. Chris and I then met up where we made our way up the spiral of St Margaret’s Church to the roof top that gives you an impressive 360 degree view of Cambridge. Those who may be either A) afraid of heights of B) claustrophobic then this little sight seeing jaunt is not for you. I don’t suffer from either of those fears but I did feel my heart beat a little faster the higher we went in the narrow spiral stair case and my grip became vice like on the hand rail!

We then made our way to Kings College Chapel which was quite spectacular and majestic, it has rows of amazing stain glass windows that tell us stories of the days of Christ, we spent some time here taking it all in, there was so much too it all.

After this it was onto the river side where, as it was such a lovely day we decided to go punting. We had been hoping to hire a punt ourselves and take it out, but it seemed that every man and his dog had also decided that they too would go punting today, it was chokers with boats out on the water and we watched as first timers struggled to gain control of their boats and steer the thing without crashing (or falling into the drink) For this reason we decided to go with a tour group and it was quite nice to be paddled up the river and be given a history lesson as we did so, there were some interesting facts to be learnt, though it all escapes me now I’m afraid!

To cool down after our leisurely drift upon the river we stopped for a quick drink in a near by bar where we were served by a young man who liked to think himself as a juggler. He threw the bottles, glasses, ice, anything and everything he could, up and over, under and around his head, body and arms. I’m very surprised he didn’t break anything. It was very entertaining to watch though and he certainly got more customers and tips than the other fellas on the bar that day! It was getting late now and we were tired so we head home for another comfortable evening with the gang.

permalink written by  Chris and Emily on May 1, 2009 from Cambridge, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Europe 2009
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Cambridge Squiz

Cambridge, United Kingdom

With the aide of the awesome car Sue and Patrick so kindly lent us we made our way to Cambridge for a bit of a squiz. I have to say, Cambridge is a really lovely looking town and is chokers with incredibly old buildings that serve as colleges. As exams are on at the moment not all areas of the colleges are open to the public and you are able to get entry into the grounds for half price. For this reason we stopped to check out Trinity College which was nice and was believed to be used in the ‘Chariots of Fire’ film. After our brief look about the college we took a stroll around the streets and stores of Cambridge, we had a pretty chilled out day really, just relaxing and seeing what Cambridge has to offer. A nice day of sunshine and relaxation, always a nice combo!

permalink written by  Chris and Emily on April 30, 2009 from Cambridge, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Europe 2009
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Warm and cozy Bedfordshire

Bedford, United Kingdom

Another day of bliss. Sleep in and then up for brekki and a drive, this time around Bedfordshire. I often will use the term “I’m off to Bedfordshire” when heading to bed, and now I really have been there, and managed to stay awake! Before we head to Bedford itself we drove to a few small villages which contain thatched homes.

It was so sweet and lovely, all the homes looked warm and cozy, and I almost wanted to just let myself into a home and curl up on a bed Goldilocks style! I resisted the urge though and instead stopped at a pub to have a quick lemonade (no, no typo, it really was just a lemonade) there was a lovely green park as the pubs backyard/beer garden and some great play equipment for kids (monkey bars in the shape of a helicopter and pretend wooden horse and cart, that’s pretty cool huh?!) but then as we approached the grass we spotted at the end of the garden two small deer. I was a tad excited, my first ‘wild’ deer! We tried hard to tip toe up closer for a camera shot but they picked up our scent and bolted. We stood still and hoped that perhaps they’d return but alas, they didn’t. No matter, we had more to see and had to move on. Chris’ mum had recommend a pub to visit in that area, she’d come across it in her travels a few years back, so we found the “Hare and Hounds” and popped in for lunch. It was more a restaurant than pub and oh my gosh, the food was amazing! By far the best we’ve had yet in the UK and it had Michelin star awards. Michelin stars aren’t given out to pubs, but I swear to you, this place deserved one! We shared a baked Camembert and fruit toast entrée and then both had the yummiest steak known to man. So so good!

After stuffing ourselves on great food and a cider we made a move to find the ‘Swiss gardens’ To do this we had to drive on a small dirt road that lead us past a regal looking college, through an open sheep paddock (dodging sheep as we went) over a cattle grate and past a sign that read “look both ways for aircraft” as we were driving over an airstrip that was in the middle of the paddock. It was all so random and odd, but it felt like a real adventure and was quite fun. We had a lot of trouble finding these gardens but then as we were giving up found a sign out of the corner of our eye and did a U-y. When we saw the price of entry to the gardens we had a slight heart attack and quickly decided that it wasn’t so important to see a load of plants and instead shared a cold drink by a paddock where WW1 planes were loaded up and ready for take off.

We watched as this one particular plane flew around the open sky and then flew low whizzing past us, it was entertaining and it was nice to watch the ‘start up’ process that they have to go through just to get it in the air. I just hope that who ever was driving through the random paddock remembered to look both ways before crossing as it took off! We moved on then to Bedford which is actually a large town. As it was getting on to home time for the workers the roads were becoming slightly busy so we decided to take refuge in a shopping centre for a short time, just so it could calm down and we could calmly navigate our way home again. We ended up in Tesco’s, which is a huge grocery/department store here. Anything you want you will find at Tesco’s. I’m not kidding! They do food, wine, clothes, house hold goods, car insurance, travel… everything!! It’s enormous! We had a squiz around before heading back on less congested, less crazy roads and made it back in time for a yummy dinner and another lovely night of chats.

permalink written by  Chris and Emily on April 29, 2009 from Bedford, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Europe 2009
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Village hopping

Buntingford, United Kingdom

Some people are too generous and kind for their own good. We’ve been so blessed with family members putting us up these past few weeks and now, we’ve been blessed with the lend of a car. We’d been preparing to hire one when we got up this way but Sue and Patrick turned around last night and gave us the keys to their spare car and use of it for 3 weeks. We really don’t know how to say thank you and for them to know how much it really does mean to us, it’s a huge help and blessing!! With our new found freedom in the shape of a car we head out to discover the surrounding villages and towns. With the GPS in hand we were able to find our way to Royston, a larger town/village only about 20 minutes away. We checked this place out for a time popped into the store and brought chocolates and some wine in a small gesture to say thank you to the guys and some picnic goods for our lunch. We had high and mighty plans of finding a little park near the waters edge to sit and eat and relax for some time, but we’ve since discovered that picnic spots in England are not always so easy to find. It took a lot of driving and craning of necks as we slowly passed through villages to find one. I had all but given up but then Chris yelled with excitement, he’d caught sight of something resembling a park out of the corner of his eye! With the squealing of brakes and a sharp U turn we arrived at the only park bench in the west of England. Ahh, bliss! It was on the edge of a ‘football’ field (that’s a soccer field to you and I) with a ‘newly built’ play ground near by. By now the weather had turned a wee bit chilly so we ate fast and then I navigated us home. It’s a true test for Chris and I at the moment as the car we’re lending is a manual, meaning I can’t drive. Normally Chris navigates and I drive, a role which we’re both happy with but now the positions have changed and I’m navigating which to be honest, makes me a little nervous! I managed to get us home mind you, even despite a few wrong turns and I figure I’m only going to get better at maps and GPS’ so in time I’ll be a pro! Back home for another lovely night beside a warm fire and friendly chit chat.

permalink written by  Chris and Emily on April 28, 2009 from Buntingford, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Europe 2009
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Oh what a happy day.. it was check out day!!

London, United Kingdom

Oh the joy!! We awoke nice and early with a cheerful disposition as we realized it was check out day! Hoorah! We packed our bags louder than what would have been considered considerate, dumped them at the lockers (of course we had to pay, they wouldn’t look after them for nothing would they?!) before skipping out into the cold, wet, windy weather. We were a little silly to be honest. Yesterday the weather had tricked us, starting out a little chilly before turning into a glorious day and we believed it would do this again so left our jumpers and jacket in our checked bags, but it didn’t clear up like yesterday, infact it rained even heavier. Ooohhhh. We hastily made our way to the British Natural History Museum, lined up in the pelting rain (trying to nonchalantly huddle under the umbrellas the people ahead of us held) before finally being allowed in. Upon entering you’re greeted with the remains of a very large brontosaurs. We then made our way into the rest of the dinosaur section and it was all very impressive and amazing, if you have kids or plan to have kids, this is the place to bring them for sure, so much to see and do and all very cool. After a quick whiz through the rooms we head back to the backers for the last time, picked up our bags, very happily popped our jumpers on and head to Kings Cross Station where we boarded a train to where we would meet Chris’ rellies who were putting us up for a while. The train was so incredibly fast we arrived in half the time the ticket and time table had said we would. Sue and Patrick arrived not long after and were so lovely and friendly and AUSTRALIAN that we felt at home straight away. Despite this being the first time we’d ever met them it felt as if we’d known them for years. It was so lovely to be in a warm, friendly, kind house hold after London!! We spent the rest of the day relaxing, chatting and getting to know one another and their gorgeous, bubbly daughter Rachel. London is nice to visit and it’s great to see the sights that are around, but I’m just not a city girl, I can’t handle so many people, such bad service and the grim, grey disposition that so many seem to have there. I much prefer the green fields, thatched cottages and small villages!

permalink written by  Chris and Emily on April 27, 2009 from London, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Europe 2009
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London Marathon

London, United Kingdom

Oh my gosh. I have never, ever, EVER seen so many people in one place at one time, who are SO dang healthy! It was scary, it was overwhelming, and it was well too much… it was…the London marathon. This is a huge marathon that goes for 26 miles all around London and the record is done in just over 2 and a bit hours by some incredibly healthy freak. I on the other hand would NEVER willing participate in this sporting event, purely on the grounds of there being WAY to many people for my liking, but if I HAD to, and may I repeat HAD to, then I’d do it in one of two ways.. I’d either dress up and WALK it like some of the participants do (we saw a large bobble head jester jiggle past) or I would stammer in, in last place like the old fella below did. As I said earlier, the record time is just over two hours and it starts at about 9am-ish, so some people are done by about 11am-ish. Chris and I had spent ALLLLLL day out and about the streets of London, and we saw this sweet old man staggering down the road at around 7pm and he still had a little bit of a ways to go. We cheered him on nice and loudly but I don’t think he heard us, he was either in his zone and purely concentrating on that bloody finish line, or had forgotten his hearing aide. He had a nice support group of 3 ambulances and 1 police car following him though so if he was to keel over and give up (as I would have done 1 mile into it) he was in good hands and would have secured a lift home.. or the hospital. We actually had no intention of checking out the marathon today, we thought that 500,000 people in one spot at one time was perhaps just a little too crazy and too much for us. We’d actually arranged to have a yum cha lunch with Bron and 2 of her mates at Leicester Square. It was a yummy meal, tasty and good, we had a relaxing chat and a few laughs before deciding to move on to a park and sit in the sunshine as London was experiencing a rare spout of great warm sunshine weather. We made tracks for St James Park thinking that the marathon was well and truly over by now and we’d have missed it, but that’s when we ran (no pun intended and no, not literally) into the biggest crowd ever. After negotiating our way through the crowds, battling our way to the park and sitting in the sun (shade for me) for some time and hearing crazy stories of how some guy snapped his foot off in a hang gliding accident (true story apparently)

Chris and I bid the group farewell and head towards South Bank to check out what was happening there, and my word there was a bit going on! We saw buskers of all shapes, sizes and abilities. Our favourite was Darth Vader who was busking to raise money to provide for his family, Luke and Layer.

We then head into a movie museum, which to be honest, was a bit of a rip off but it was a time filler for us. We had high hopes for this museum when we stepped in, but were sadly disappointed. We were told that the props etc were all original, but I’m 100% sure that we could find all the ‘special’ props they had on eBay for a bargain. Oh well, it was still an experience.

We then made our way slowly towards the city, walking across a closed off Westminster Bridge in the middle of the road, allowing us to take some lovely snaps of the houses of parliament and Big Ben (these are my fave outlooks and attractions of London to be honest) That’s when we saw the old codger running in last, bless his smelly, stinky cotton socks.

We continued on our way through St James Park where we saw a ‘squirrel whisperer’ I’m not kidding, there was a man standing in the park who was waving his arm up and down and squirrels were running to him, when they were at his feet he’d feed them a crumb. So of course Chris thought he’d give it a crack. Admittedly I asked him to so that I could get an up close photo of one, I thought it’d be handy to use as my FB profile you see… So anyhow, Chris began waving his arm up and down (abit like ringing an imaginary bell) and soon enough Squirrels began to flock, Chris stopped before they got too close saying it was too cruel to ‘lead them on’ with no food. We were standing under a lovely big old tree, all the squirrels had deserted us when they realized we were squirrel whispering imposters, but then I heard this little scratching at the tree, looked up and then gave a little scream, there was a big fat squirrel sitting just above Chris’ head posed as if to jump. But it didn’t jump; Chris did thanks to my surprising yell that in turn scared him. As Chris clutched his heart, I turned red and the observers around us chuckled the squirrel picked up scent of a real whisper and took off to get the nights feed.

We slowly made our way back to the backpackers where I asked at the counter if there was a chance of me buying a towel which they advertised ‘for sale’ I was told “we don’t have any towels, but I can give you a sheet?” By now I was over it and tired, I accepted the sheet as a make shift towel, figuring that it was at least free, stumbled into the shower before collapsing into bed.

permalink written by  Chris and Emily on April 26, 2009 from London, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Europe 2009
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