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Day... not really sure!!

Beijing, China

Having a little trouble remembering how long I have been here!! Have been so busy! (must admit poor effort on the Blog updating, but I will have more time to do this in Shenyang!!!)
I have been here for just over a fortnight now and I feel like it could have been 6 months already! Not because its dragging, but because I love it here so much!
I visited to Temple of Heaven on Monday, it was really beautiful! Because of the pollution, breathing the air in Beijing for one day is the equivelant to smoking 3 packs of cigs!!! Its only when we were in the Temple of Heaven (surrounded by trees!) did we notice the difference in the air, it was so...fresh!!
I spent some time in Old Beijing, I really love walking through the back streets, and eating in the dodgy looking resteraunts...they're the best places to go!!
Wednesday was my first day teaching in a school in Beijing! I love all the kids already! It was a little tough at first, but really getting into it now! I am teaching ten year olds, but only for the next three days. After that I wont start teaching until I arrive in Shenyang in about a fortnight! (As far as I know I will be teaching Kindergarden in Shenyang, but I wont know this for definite until I arrive!)

We also visited Ho Hai (not sure about the spelling!) Bar after Bar after Bar surrounding a huge lake! Lit up and buzzing in the moonlight! (Unfortunatly my Camera isnt great at night picturs so you will just have to use your imagination!!) It was pretty expensive and even after haggleing one beer was 40 Yuan!! Luckily you could buy huge bottles of beer from street vendors for 2 yuan so this kept us going until we reached Huxleys!! I had read about it in my lonely planet and it sounded pretty interesting!!!! That it was! It was cheap compared to the other places at ho hai (beers 10 yuan - 85p!!) It was the smallest bar I have ever been to and we ended up spilling out onto the street!! (make sure you check out my pics!)

The thing I love the most about China so far: Haggleing!! It's fantastic!! You dont pay the asking price for anything!! (except in some of the posher restaurants!) It is so much fun!

The thing I hate the most about China so far: The squat toilets!!! And the fact that there is no toilet roll in any of the toilets, you have to carry your own with you! It's not the horrific experience that it was when I first arrived so am assuming as time passes it gets easier!

permalink written by  emmarogers85 on August 17, 2007 from Beijing, China
from the travel blog: Teach and Travel China - 6 Months
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