My Stuff
small bug? and improvement
Hello, My name is Didier and I`m using blogabond to show people how south america is. I like very much your concept (maps, pictures, ...). During my trip I may have found a small bug. Please be aware that I`m not complaining, just trying to help. Let me explain: in fact it seems that if I upload a picture named img001. In your system it will get a number say xxxx so that I can display it in my blog entry.
Some days ago I uploaded a picture exactly with the same name of another picture (not on purpose, believe me). It seems that the picture named xxxx in your system will sometimes display the first picture I uploaded and sometimes the second one. The thing is I believe many travellers like me may have different folders (says by country or cities) where they have inside a certain amount of picture starting from img001. It took me some time to find out and I had corrupted soem of my previous blog entries but now I have fixed almost all of them by reuploading the both pictures with different names. For me the picture should be stored on your system renamed with the unique xxxx name your are defining.
A small improvement would be an easier way to find where to reorganozed my stops that will be used for the map. I can not find it anymore right now.
Thanks for reading me and wish you succes for blogabond
Again, I think it is a great idea
written by
on November 22, 2007
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