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The madness of Mumbai

Mumbai, India

We stayed at the Hotel Volga in Mumbai but it soon became known as the Hotel Vulgar, all shabby and no chic. Mind you, the views out of the window certainly compensated for the cramped and overpriced room.

We only had a couple of nights in Mumbai and that was plenty. We've been there before so spent our time visiting the cafes and bars we knew were ok. Leopold's is a nice place for a cold beer but after the much cheapness of Goa we were horrified at the prices. Mumbai is definately a lot more civilised than Delhi, it's the kind of place you wander round and not get hassled too much.

That said, we did get asked repeatedly if we would like to star in a Bollywood movie...no thanks. Nik was in the blockbuster 'Pinjar' and anything else just woudln't compare. We spent a bit of time shopping, stocking up on some bargains before we left (incensce, etc) and managed to find a fantastic record shop to purchase some Indian music. Before we knew it though, we were packing our bags and in the taxi bound for the airport with a bit of a tear in our eyes. Next stop would be Sydney and all the cultureshock that a western metropolis would bring. Before we got on the plane though we visited the bar for a final beer in India, we were in an airport after all. This was not Santos's bar though and we were horrified to be charged 500 Rupees for a small glass - at just over a fiver it seemed expensive even for an airport.....

permalink written by  jonnik on January 8, 2008 from Mumbai, India
from the travel blog: Jon & Kenty's Grrrrrand Tour
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