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Autumn Love

Dunedin, New Zealand

First, I feel so loved whenever I post because I know there are many people who are reading my blog back at home. I love being able to share my experiences with everyone! Thank you all for reading!

Today is a BEAUTIFUL autumn day in Dunedin, New Zealand. It seems as though it is always a gorgeous day whenever I have heaps of work to get done. I'm working on my paper for Theories of Social Power, and do not mind being indoors as much because I love what I am writing about. I am writing all about the hyperreal - this postmodern theory that because we dependend on technology, media, advertising, television, etc. as much as we do, our reality is becoming one made up of simulated images that are filling the void of where the authentic real used to be. I am arguing that we are born free, yet become subjects because of this perpetual influence of advertising and the media. We have assumed socially constructed gender roles based upon what we see on television and advertising and it is becoming this hyperreal reality.
It's quite interesting - I had my presentation on the topic yesterday and my class was really into it. Now I just need to write the paper. I am taking it bit by bit - it is a heavy topic and sometimes it is hard to wrap my head around theory, but I know I will do my best and it will be great once it is finished.
It's making it difficult to sleep, though. Last night I was awake until the early hours of the morning because I got so into what I was reading. I was reading Baudrillard - the postmodern theorist who developed this idea of the "hyperreal." I started reading essays of his about 9/11 and how the collapse of the Twin Towers is a huge climatic point in our hyperreal reality. I'll post a link to the article later if I think of it so you can all read it if you are interested.
This past weekend was fun and amazing as always. I didn't think I was going anywhere - as I just got back from Aussie adventures, but then it started HAILING friday morning!! -- and my mates and I packed up our packs to go exploring. We thought it was going to be a short trip, but no, of course not, we drove across country (keep in mind that only takes about 4-5 hours) and visited the two glaciers - Fox and Franz Joseph. Gorgeous. We stayed at Lake Hawea on friday night (my favorite favorite FAVORITE place in New Zealand...it's about 3.5 hours away from Dunedin) and camped out on the lake again. Saturday we drove to the glaciers, did a half day hike, then set up camp on another lake near the glaciers.
Woke up sunday morning to FROST! Yay! Saturday night was chilly so we all bundled in our sleeping bags, stuck our heads outside our tent and stared at the Milky Way and an endless night of stars.
Made a few wishes.
Hope they come true.
But yes - Frost! I am so excited for the cold weather!
And Dunedin is COLD! We do not have any heat in my flat - hardly anyone in Dunedin does, and the other night it dropped to about 20 degrees F. I was in my sleeping bag with long underwear, PJ pants, a poly-pro top, Tshirt, sweatshirt and my winter hat as I was sleeping inside my house. It's so crazy! Kiwis are so crazy! We just chill around the house in our winter coats and hats like it is no big deal.
I love it. I think it is fantastic - I feel so adventurous! Or like I am a character from a Jack London story or something...my other two American flatmates do not like it so much. They complain a lot, especially Amy. She is always complaining. But seriously, we are in New Zealand to experience Kiwi culture...not to bring American culture to New Zealand. But it is not in my control - it is her mindset.
So yes! Cold weather! Leaves falling! Beautiful colors! My campus is so beautiful - there is a river that runs through it and all the colorful leaves are all around the banks of the river and when I walk home from class I am just so happy and always smiling!
Today driving home from the pool downtown, I just could not stop smiling as I drove through the rolling green hills and saw all the foliage!
I am so happy for all of you back home that it is getting warmer - springtime always brings about a special sort of happiness and confidence.
Ok. Paper writing time! I have my philosophy group this afternoon and we are going to go for a walk in the Botanical Gardens!
I also have been going to Amnesty International meetings...the International Socialists were too crazy, and now that kayak club is done (so much sadness!) I need more clubs to be a part of so I thought Amnsety sounded great...which it has been. Last week we watched this movie called Control Room...all of you need to watch it NOW. Its about Al Jeezhera (I have no idea if I spelt that correctly) which if you don't know this Arab show that is banned in the US and it is the perspective of the Iraq War from a Middle Eastern perspective...very interesting.
This week is International Rape Awareness week. Please keep that in your thoughts this week. Say a prayer for all the people in this world who have suffered the trauma of physical and sexual abuse. Tomorrow's amnesty meeting should be interesting as we are finishing up a big project we have been working on for this week.
Okay work time!

permalink written by  Kiwi-Travels on May 5, 2008 from Dunedin, New Zealand
from the travel blog: I'm going to live as a New Zealand Kiwi for six months!
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Good to hear that the International Socialists were too crazy! (Would love to hear about them when you are home.)

permalink written by  Molly D on May 21, 2008

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