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JASON, 5Owatts calling! remember me?

Hey Mr Kester.

Remember me. Around one year ago you were getting the sight looking a little better and i was just setting out on my trip, first stop Tokyo. Well glad to see that the site is getting better all the time, i have not visited for sometime. I see some of the people i met on my travels (urgm recomendation! ;) ) and some old university friends are still keeping the main page warm. All good.

The days of travelling are a long time ago it seems for me but i had an idea to make a comeback. More info to follow sometime- in fact you will prob see the new blog as i catch up with all the people from my travels around Europe and beyond over the coming months and beyond! Not known on the blog i wrote- i met a french girl in Thai mountains, just one night but now i live with her in Nice, France, it has been one month and going fantastic. I am really happy and my blog was how she kept tabs on me as she had to return early jan and i finished june. THought you could know- i still believe i was one of the first to use the site properly. Also taken some keen interest in the old blog you did for the development of the site. I am thinking of doing soemthing similiar as i try to make some of my ideas happen- any recomendations on a good blog site i can use? (you think blogabond could cope with a non-travel orientated blog about interests i wish to pursue?) if not, your knowledge in decent blog sites for this purpose would be great. cheers.

Hope your well dude anyways. Where are you now? Porspects for the site looking good? You getting any climbing time in?

Right i have to get back to things but will probably try and email you if i can find your email you sent me a while back and use the reply function.

Take care man.


permalink written by  The orignal 50. Watts. on December 7, 2006

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