My Stuff
Praise for Blogabond, with a question
First and foremost - what an incredible site. I'm already addicted and I especially appreciate the easy layout of the Map Builder. It's exactly what I've been looking for.
As I was building my trip, I noticed an option to export the html for a blog - I know, I know, I must be a 13 year old girl for still having a myspace page. But I can't get it to work - when I attempt to add it to my page, myspace reformats the html from this:
iframe src='http://www.blogabond.com/BlogMap.aspx?tripID=637' width=500 height=300 frameborder=0 scrolling=no>to this:
[iframe] src='http://www.blogabond.com/BlogMap.aspx?tripID=637' width=500 height=300 frameborder=0 scrolling=no>[iframe]
Leaving these brackets simply displays the code on the page. Removing them omits it entirely - and my limited knowledge of html isn't helping me. Any advice would be appreciated, and thanks again for the incredible site.
written by
on March 17, 2007
Yeah, MySpace hates Blogabond.
More specifically, MySpace hates the IFRAME and SCRIPT html elements. As a result, it's damn near impossible to stick useful things into your MySpace page. (though it's still evidently easy to turn your background pink and play 7 simultaneous MP3 tracks)
They removed this support in the summer of 2006, after people started writing cute little plugins for your homepage that would launch a bunch crazy scripting attacks on your browser and try to install viruses. I doubt they'll put it back in anytime soon.
So yeah, it's basically impossible to get a map of any sort into MySpace except as a simple picture. Big Sites, such as Platial and Google Maps themselves have all given up too.
Lame, huh? Sorry we can't help you out on this one. I hope you stick around!
written by
Jason Kester
on March 17, 2007
the EMBED tag (for flash) still works with myspace, though.
Don't know how it would be implemented with Blogabond, but there's probably ways. ;)
For example, for embedding the flickr slideshow:
object width="550" height="500"
param name="Movie" value="http://www.flickr.com/slideShow/code.swf?1.36"
embed src="http://www.flickr.com/slideShow/slideShow.swf height="500"
Could you do this with the google map here, or is it completely different?
written by
on March 20, 2007
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