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Day 56 - Catching dinner down South...

Denmark, Australia

Ayeaye everyone.

Had a couple more days in Perth since the last publication, and went to the Jazz Cellar with my Auntie and co. It's a cool but funny place, bring-your-own everything, some people had saucepans of curry and were eating their dinner! To enter it you walk into a red phone box and then down a set of steps into this tiny basement, pay $12 to the dodgy bloke at the bar and then enjoy your night! It got really busy, and the band was made up of a bunch of nice old codgers. I had a jam with them and had a blast, going back tonight with a whole load of family so can't wait.

Took a coach down south to Albany on 30th May to see my cousins Miranda & Ritchie, the journey was 6hrs but a doddle compared to the drunken Thai buses! They actually live in a nearby town called Denmark. It's tiny with only a few thousand people, everyone seems to know each other. The house is 110 years old and was one of the first built in Albany. Completely wooden (apart from the chimney!) and on stilts, it's very cosy. Above is their local beach...!

It is stunning down there, probably the best place I've seen so far. What makes it so nice is that it's still quite under the tourist radar, so it's tranquil and clean, unlike a lot of Thailand.

Miranda took the day off work on Friday so she showed me around. We went to Greens Pool and Elephant Rocks, pictures say it all really! Went to a lush lunch at a picturesue winery, and stopped of at and animal farm which was hilarious. It was fun feeding the cute aussie animals, although the massive camel that made a beeline for my food was shit scary!

Saturday was perfect weather with no wind. Ritch and I took the boat out to the inlet for fishing. Crystal water had a surface like glass, and dolphins popping up all over the place. Caught loadsa stuff, and kept a few for dinner...At one point I had hooked onto a fish when something much bigger came and ate that one! I didn't last long fighting it, it snapped the line pretty easily. Exciting times anyway, we reckon it was a small reef shark.

The next couple of days were a bit rainy but I kept busy doing some painting on the house to earn a bit of much needed cash. Back in Perth now, going out in a min so going to finish quickly!

I have a trip up north on Monday for a week, so will have lots to tell when I get back!


permalink written by  Ayglesia on June 8, 2007 from Denmark, Australia
from the travel blog: Alex's round the world adventure
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