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Long time between drinks. Not for me.

Boston, United States

Well, I've been extremely lazy updating this thing, so here goes with a bit of a rant and blog.

Let me tell you about the best bus trip in the world.

The first thing that you have to do, is be in Ottawa, Canada. Not an unpleasant bus station at all actually. I wouldn't say that it's the Taj Mahal of bus stations, but it is clean, there is coffee and generally speaking it's "nice". Ok, the second thing you need to do is get the bus to Boston MA via Syracuse NY. The bus to Syracuse will probably be empty, or have very few people on it. When you cross the border form Canada to the U.S. explain your prescription drugs and dual passports to the border guard. They have guns, so don't piss them off. If you're female, I highly recommend putting your toiletries in a highly accessible section of your bag. If you're lucky enough to get a male customers officer, the shade of scarlet that he'll turn when he searches your things is priceless. Thanks to Sarah for that one. Ok, now, get back on the bus assuming that they've not found those couple of keys of Charlie that you're obviously smuggling in... Well, I suppose that you're probably going to try and work in the states illegally (every body wants to according to the border guard). Right anyways. Get back on the bus, and a couple of hours later find yourself in lovely Syracuse NY. You have to change buses here. The distinctive smell of urine coming from the terminal is just delightful. Also, the crack addicts who work at Subway (EAT FRESH!) will be very helpful when they make your sandwich. Ok. You're halfway there. Only 10 more hours to Boston! You're jumping on a bus that's come from Toronto, so there will already be people on it. Lots of people. Well, not like it's full or anything but if the bus is half full and those people all take up more than one seat then i guess you could say that the bus is full. If the familiar smell of urine is not present on this Greyhound bus, you're probably in the wrong place. Don't panic when the driver shuts the CAGE DOOR that seperates you from the front of the bus. No no no, it doesn't put him in a sealed section, it sections off the passenger bit from the door. Reassuring when it comes to having a crash actually. For the next ten hours try do stem the flow of water onto your thing because people take cups of water and put them under their seats. I read recently in TIME magazine the Americans are boycotting drink bottles as the contents doesn't spill out when they're tipped over. Also, apparently "the bathroom" in a greyhound bus in it's entirity is for collecting wee. Accidently pished on the floor? Don't worry! It's meant to be like that. Apparently. Of course, this can flow into the passenger section. And that's how it should be right? After 10 hours... YOU'VE MADE IT!

Boston is nothing like a greyhound bus in the states. I couldn't smell wee, and for most of the time people weren't spilling into the area that I was sitting on. If I was sitting down that is! We had an awesome time here. Sterotypes really were blown out of the water here for me. It was nothing like the US that we know and love from Hollywood. I suppose that's a given. London contrary to popular folk stories called "East Enders" isn't full of people selling lighters, 5 for a paaand. So I guess it follows about the states. The HI hostel there really is nice and if you get there and have the chance, pop and get pizza from the one around the corner from the hostel. $4 for a pitcher of beer! Brilliant!

We arrived and went straight to the Samuel Adams brewery for a tour. It was pretty fun, we were actually touring a research and development brewery, which was interesting. Apparently Samuel Adams beer has won awards in Australia. I had not heard of it before going to the states. Whatever. It was good as the tour was free and so was the beer. They gave us a glass to keep as well. While we were in the tasting room a young chap (who apparently was by himself) sat opposite Sarah and I. He seemed to be somewhat inexperienced in beer pouring though. Now get me wrong, if you open a bottle of beer and it stats to spray everywhere, by all means, stick it in your mouth and get loads of grief from your mates for looking like you're performing sexual favours to your beer. BUT if you can't poor a beer and some froths up and spills over the table, do not under any circumstances slurp it off the table. That's what our inexperienced beer pouring friend did. Delightful.

permalink written by  haveyouseenmypassport on July 4, 2007 from Boston, United States
from the travel blog: To infinity!.. and... beyond... uh.....
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