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What is the population of this small town, how can I retrieve a list of the townspeople, My father came from that town in the early 1900's.

permalink written by  Richard Mowduk on September 8, 2007

I passed by Ptaki when going to Chechody. My mother Lottie and Uncle Bill were raised at the home of their grandfather Ptak (Walter?). They were ophphed at age 5 and under one. Each was raised until 21 before returning to America where they were born. I didn't know of the town or I would have visited. Instead I only visited a Baranowski homested and that of my great grandfather Roginski(Walter ?). My sister and I had an amazing trip finding everything that we kind of hoped for just by going to the towns and asking questions. Amazing barns, storks, and empty churches at the time of my visit. If you want to you can call me at 908-537-4223.

permalink written by  Walt Roginski on August 25, 2013

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