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live china

Hangzhou is a very beautiful city, fresh air, blue sky, tall building, i love to be here!

permalink written by  Jackcoming on November 7, 2014 from Hangzhou, China
from the travel blog: onedream



permalink written by  wuyongjie38 on May 30, 2012 from Hangzhou, China
from the travel blog: sa



permalink written by  upnisw7553 on May 30, 2012 from Hangzhou, China
from the travel blog: sa



permalink written by  upnisw7553 on May 30, 2012 from Hangzhou, China
from the travel blog: sa

Kiinan kauneimmassa kaupungissa

Ainakin joidenkin mielesta Hangzhou ja erityisesti West lake'n ymparisto on kappale kauneinta Kiinaa. Se olikin, ja sade ja usva ja harmaus melkein lisasivat jarven salaperaisyytta ja charmia. Se oli niin kaunista etta melkein henki salpautui. Mutta henki salpautui myos kaatosateessa, vetta...

permalink written by  rosabella on March 3, 2012 from Hangzhou, China
from the travel blog: Kaukana kotoa: Siperian halki ja matkantekoa Itä-Aasiassa

Animatronic Dinosaurs, Animatronic Animals

China Animatronic Dinosaurs, Animatronic Animals, Dinosaur Fossil Replica Manufacturers,Suppliers,Factory Dino Walk Science & Technology Inc. is a professional manufacturer & exporter in Animatronic Life Size Dinosaurs, Alive Animals as well as Dinosaur Skeleton Replica for over 10...

permalink written by  lanqiao771 on February 9, 2012 from Hangzhou, China
from the travel blog: a

Electric Folding Bicycle, Fashional Children Bike

China Electric Folding Bicycle, Fashional Children Bike, Folding Bike Manufacturers,Suppliers,Factory Zhejiang Yiwu Hongpu Trade Co ., Ltd is an import & export corporation which has the right of import & export and the general taxpayers eligible for tax refund ( to do business ), which is...

permalink written by  lanqiao771 on February 7, 2012 from Hangzhou, China
from the travel blog: a

Transfer Moulding Progressive Die

Transfer Moulding Our Products: Transfer Moulding Progressive Die Automotive Stamping Parts Metal Stamping Die Categories Transfer Moulding Progressive Die Single Die Drawing Dies Metal Punch Dies Plastic Die Casting CPM was leader in metal die/tool since 1996, till now CPM...

permalink written by  lanqiao771 on January 13, 2012 from Hangzhou, China
from the travel blog: a

Mould Industrial, Plastic Mould

China Mould Industrial, Plastic Mould, Thermoset Resin Mould, Die Casting Mould, Injection Mould, Blow Mould Suppliers PE Mould is a specialized precision designer and manufacturer in mould field. We are providing high international standard and competitive price products for worldwide...

permalink written by  lanqiao771 on December 19, 2011 from Hangzhou, China
from the travel blog: a

Vacuum forming plastics, Plastic vacuum forming

China Vacuum forming plastics, Plastic vacuum forming, Vacuum forming process, Thermo vacuum forming, Vacuum thermoforming RuiLiheng Plastic Products Limited, with the whole line of R&D, design, manufacture, sales and technical services, is a professional enterprise specializing in vacuum...

permalink written by  lanqiao771 on November 29, 2011 from Hangzhou, China
from the travel blog: a

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