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BRAZIl VS AUSTRALIA haha roomates havin a pyjama party and going for a midnight walk to get sum muncchies clubbin at down town DisneY GANGSTAAAAAAAAA before the paRTY TWO LOSERS PISSED THEM SELVES ON THE TOWER OF TERROR TRY TO PICK THEM GAnGSTa LUrVE that BraziliAN crew,,,,,adele wishes she was one WOoo brazilian parties are the SHIT ELISIA THEO AND ADELE Me and my porta rican friend magel kiss the cute lil lion ( the guy inside that costume was seXY) GO GO POWER RANGES haha omg wot fun climbing the fence forno particular reason CRAZY HAIRRRRRRRRR UnderAGE and LuVin it check out our huge stamps on our hands Tha girls waiting to go out weeeeeee Merry christmas everyone dont miss us too muCH elisia and adele with our famous POUT woo having breakfast straight from going out how funnY TACO BELL WE WERE SO EXCITED HOW hot is this bike OH YERRRRRRRRR elisia and adele get a bit craZYYYYYY We make everyone wear our ozzy hats The Castle at magic kingdom....isnt it magical hah :P HMmmm in a toy car machine riteo Me and Jay fell in love with the monkeY  SO KUte Our apartment number the most popular kids on the block me and agnielle at MGM sittin on a  car Paris HilTOnZ CluB ME and NAOMI on the buss to the malllllllll Carmilla and DELlY Before a party AFTER A PARTY STILL HYPO OH GOSH WHO NOS STILL WAITINN I NEED A BOOST UP

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