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Have yourself a blingin' Christmas!

permalink written by  alli_ockinga on December 24, 2009 from Inch'on, South Korea
from the travel blog: I go Korea!


It started out innocently enough. Master and I were driving home from hapkido when he remarked that he was hungry, because he hadn’t eaten breakfast. Idly, I asked why. “My wife,” he said, “sleeping.” I looked at him expectantly. He hadn’t answered my question. “Sleep,” he said, “so, not...

permalink written by  alli_ockinga on November 20, 2009 from Inch'on, South Korea
from the travel blog: I go Korea!

Pepero Day!

I've eaten some shady stuff here in Korea--silkworm larvae soup and chicken feet spring immediately to mind, followed closely by squid jerky and rice juice--but on at least one occasion, the Koreans really got it right. I speak of Pepero, my favorite indulgence here. It's a long, slim biscuit,...

permalink written by  alli_ockinga on November 11, 2009 from Inch'on, South Korea
from the travel blog: I go Korea!

Busy Busy, But awesome

Forgive the lacking of the posting. I haven't forgotten, I've just been exhausted and lazy with with TKD going on five times a week. As I've mentioned, we're training for a tournament in Busan, so it's been pretty intense. I currently sitting down in slight pain. I hate jogging, but it works the...

permalink written by  Maestro on November 3, 2009 from Inch'on, South Korea
from the travel blog: From Montreal to Incheon

Happy halloween!

Happy Halloween! A couple days late, I know. Last Friday, my hagwon held a party to introduce the kids to that sweetest of Western customs, Halloween. Thanks, Mexico! They were pretty thrilled with the concept, naturally. ("Alli Teacher...Halloween is...superhero pants and 'give me the candy?' ...

permalink written by  alli_ockinga on November 3, 2009 from Inch'on, South Korea
from the travel blog: I go Korea!

booooooo swine flu

Well, it got me. Swine flu, H1N1, or whatever we're officially calling it these days. Let me tell you how not excited I am about this. Not that I'm looking for sympathy--the whole world has it, and besides, I absolutely refuse to die from Swine flu--but it's not awesome, that's for sure. I...

permalink written by  alli_ockinga on November 1, 2009 from Inch'on, South Korea
from the travel blog: I go Korea!

It's that time again...

Report card time, that is. We issue report cards every two months here. I used to really detest them, but I've pared the whole thing down to a science so that it's now a fairly efficient, if still onerous, task. In the public school system back home, there's an option on progress reports to...

permalink written by  alli_ockinga on October 27, 2009 from Inch'on, South Korea
from the travel blog: I go Korea!

Other than exams...

I've still be having a great time. But you know, exams are never fun anywhere. I forgot to mention that last week, other than the folk village, I visited another one of the Palaces, Gwanghamun as well as a Buddhist Temple (I stumbled upon it by accident). It was yet another solo mission....

permalink written by  Maestro on October 16, 2009 from Inch'on, South Korea
from the travel blog: From Montreal to Incheon


"When you're finished," I was instructing my class of fourth-graders as they scribbled semi-coherent lines into their diaries, "bring your diary up front to me. " To illustrate the point, I mimicked shutting a spiral notebook and setting it down on the table that serves as my desk near the white...

permalink written by  alli_ockinga on October 11, 2009 from Inch'on, South Korea
from the travel blog: I go Korea!

Global Fair and Folk Village

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. Been busy and midterms are up and about and I've now joined the TKD club at my school (2-3 times a week). So I'll be pretty busy. But look! Aren't I such a good girl? I'm surprised I'm still actually updating and writing. :P Anyway, these past two...

permalink written by  Maestro on October 9, 2009 from Inch'on, South Korea
from the travel blog: From Montreal to Incheon

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