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Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon

a travel blog by The Happy Couple

Michael's view on the trip. This blog is really mostly for me, so that I'll have a clearer memory of the trip when it's done, like a journal, so please forgive me my obsessions like sampling and photographing all the local food and the booze. It's just my thing!

Also please forgive all typos, spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes. I'm usually doing this in a rush, and most of the time it's on such a slow PC that it would take even longer to check for mistakes and correct them.

The blog is usually 2 to 3 weeks behind, but I try to keep next few locations on the map up-to-date. You can see the schedule dates associated with the map if you go to http://blogabond.com/TripView.aspx?TripID=4517 and click "Show Newest First" or, if the maps are causing problems try http://blogabond.com/TripView.aspx?tripID=4517&slow=1
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Nara, Japan

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on July 13, 2009 from Nara, Japan
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon
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Kyoto, Japan

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on July 14, 2009 from Kyoto, Japan
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon
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Deer and Okonomiyaki

Nara, Japan

We left our noisy hostel and got the train to Nara. We had actually received one Couchsurfing reply from a girl in Nara, but it was just to say she could no longer host people, however her boyfriend was running a hostel next door, and would we like to book in. At first we had resisted, hoping for another response but, of course, there were none so we emailed back to say we would like to stay. It was the going rate for a dorm room at ¥2500 per person, which was really too much for us, since this was half of our daily budget.

Arriving in Nara, we soon realised the directions were terrible again. We had no faith that we were going the right direction at all and had to make a couple of guesses, but we did end up in the right place. It wasn't really a hostel at all, just someone's house; a very moody American's house it seemed. He did none of the usual checking in stuff like checking our passports to take down details and getting us to sign a book. It was presumably all unofficial, untaxed, and I suspect the whole Couchsurfing profile was just a scam, designed to reel people in without going through any of the official channels. Still, our room was nice although Joanne complained that the kitchen and toilets were the dirtiest we had seen in Japan and not up to the standard of a hostel.

We had arrived quite late, so most of the tourist sites were closed or would be soon. There was a temple quite close to the “hostel” called Kōfuku-ji, so we left to make sure we at least saw something that day. The main attractions of the temple were two pagodas, dating from 1143 and 1426. The older one is a five storey pagoda, and is the second tallest in Japan. It was OK, but the Japanese style just doesn't do it for me. It's not particularly pretty, intricate, or ornate. It's wood and it's brown. Just behind the Pagoda, though, were a few deer wandering around, obviously very tame. There are loads of deer, which were considered messengers of the gods and are now national treasures. We had read in the Lonely Planet that you can buy deer biscuits to feed to them, but the shop was on tomorrow's route.

Joanne had picked up a tourist map of Nara, and spotted an advert for a sake brewery which sold sake ice cream. It sounded like a local speciality to me so we had to seek it out. Unfortunately Japanese directions struck again and we spent quite a lot of time seeking it out. Eventually Joanne spotted it on the map nowhere near where we had been looking because it was supposed to be “west then on the left” from a temple, when it was actually South East. By the time we realised it was already closed, but we had discovered a nice little drinking place with some Japanese people sitting outside. We had a couple of nice draft beers and a couple a nice sakes, which were served in a lovely decorated square cup. I quite liked Nara. We decided the key to Japan was to avoid the big cities like Tokyo and Kyoto and concentrate on the small places, which seem to be prettier.

We weaved our way home to discover three Americans, one of whom was Japanese-American. The Japanese-American, Yu, was married to Kim; originally they had got married so he could stay in the country because, despite living nearly his whole life in America, was not a citizen, and when his dad had decided to move back to Japan, he would have had to leave too. Kim and Yu had since had a proper wedding, having got the legal convenience stuff out of the way several years earlier. They were also on a year-long round-the-world honeymoon. The last American, Moses, had joined them for a holiday in the middle of their trip; something, we explained, that we had been hoping at least one of our friends would do, but it didn't look like it was going to happen.

Latching on to their Japanese language advantage, we agreed to out with them for Okonomiyaki, since the Quebecois in Kyoto had raved about the stuff. Unfortunately the restaurant was closed and we went to the supermarket for food instead. Somehow we came out with two litres of sake and the Americans with loads of beer. When we returned a German girl called Julia had also joined the collective, and we all sat down to eat and drink. Really it was too much drink and Kim and Yu went to bed before it was all finished, however Moses, Julia, and the two of us were silly enough to go to the 7-11, which seems to sell alcohol 24 hours, and buy more of it. The dreaded Strong Zero strikes again!

We slept in late, when we really shouldn't have. We had several things we planned to see before getting the train to Kawaguchi-ko near Mount Fuji. We decided to forget the rest and just go for the big-hitter: Tōdai-ji a temple whose grounds contained Daibutsu-den hall, the largest wooden building in the world. On the way I remembered to take some photos of the awful plastic representations of the food restaurants have outside. I think it's meant to entice you in, but it always looks horrible. The temple was absolutely crawling with deer and children.
It seems to be a popular place for school outings. The hall was indeed very impressive, and the deer, although cute, were at times a bit on the precocious side. I saw a couple of stags nudging people with their antlers when they saw that they had deer biscuits. It looked like all of the deer's anltlers had been blunted, and a good thing too! I bought a pack of biscuits too, and took great pleasure in feeding them to the eager deer. Joanne is not an animal lover so she wasn't interested, but I persuaded her to feed one for a photo opportunity.

On the way back to pick up our bags from the hostel we passed an okonomiyaki place, which was advertised in English as “Japanese pizza”. It was nothing of the sort, but it was very tasty. It's a batter mixed with meat, vegetables, and sauce and cooked on a griddle, more like a savoury pancake. It's then served on a griddle sunk into your table. Apparently cheaper places leave you to mix and cook it yourself, but ours was delivered mostly cooked; okonomiyaki means “cook what you like”.

At the station we asked to book seats for Kawaguchi-ko, but we were told that it wasn't possible because we were too late. We hadn't really considered that the trains might stop so early because Mount Fuji is such a tourist destination, we thought. We were told that to get there we would have to go to Mishima, change for Gotemba, then change again there. But we had missed the last train so we would have to get a bus. We weren't happy about getting a bus since we had paid for our rail pass, but we had also booked accommodation so we needed to get there. When trying to confirm the instructions she seemed to change her story and told us we would have to stay the night in Gotemba and get the bus in the morning. This was very confusing: why would we want to get the bus in the morning when we could get a train? We decided the only two options we had were to go back to and ask to stay another night or go onto Kyoto. We decided on Kyoto, since it would mean an earlier start the next day as it's closer to Mount Fuji. We didn't think we'd have any problem booking accommodation since it wasn't the weekend. However when Joanne called our hostel in Kawaguchi-ko and asked for our booking to be moved, but they were fully booked the next night.

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on July 14, 2009 from Nara, Japan
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon
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Failed Fujisan. Homeless in Kyoto

Kyoto, Japan

We were heading back to Kyoto with nowhere to stay. This was another job for John! I sent him a text and asked him to try and book us accommodation in Kyoto. Just before we arrived in Kyoto John sent a text back to say he had been unable to find anywhere that wasn't completely booked up. We walked to K's hostel, the huge place we had first stayed in Kyoto, hoping for a cancellation that hadn't yet made it onto their system, but they had nothing. It was only when we arrived there that we realised we had forgotten about the Gion Matsuri! People were coming from all over Japan, and probably all over the world, for this annual festival in Kyoto. If we had known about it before we arrived in Japan we would have arranged our time differently to be there for it, but we had already spent too long in Kyoto and we probably would have had to book before we even got to Japan.

We sat in the cafe next door to the hostel and used their wifi to look at various options online. Sure enough every hostel in Kyoto was fully booked, so I started to look for information on love hotels. These places normally offer rooms by the hour, but, like Manga kissas offer a lower rate for overnight. They are reportedly quite unusual places, tending towards the utterly bizarre at times: themed rooms decorated in styles as varied as the 60s or the Second World War. We had planned to stay in one for fun one night during our stay, anyway, so this seemed the perfect opportunity. I enquired at the very helpful desk of K's Hostel and I was sent a few blocks down the road.

At the love hotel, I first had to attract the woman's attention from behind the desk, then I very much failed to make myself understood. She had very little English, but managed “business hotel, that way!” pointing further down the street. I thought it might be because I was on my own, which I had read they don't like at love hotels, so I tried to indicate that it was for my wife too, but I think she just wanted to know whether my wife spoke Japanese. She had said the business hotel was cheaper anyway, so I went along the road to ask about the rate. It was much more than we had paid before, or could afford, and K's Hostel confirmed it was much more than the love hotel would be for the night. Perhaps it was because they don't want foreigners, it was suggested. We thought that the woman at the love hotel maybe meant it was more expensive because they were still charging at the hourly rate, so we asked for a girl working in the cafe to write down “How much is the night rate?” in Japanese and Joanne and I went along together, thereby eliminating two of the possible problems. This time the woman made it very clear that they just didn't want gaijin. We were furious! How unbelievably racist!

So we went to the business hotel, completely screwing our budget. It wasn't all that great either, but they did have wifi in the lobby, so we stayed up to book accommodation in Tokyo and send off requests to Beijing Couchsurfing, determined to get in early enough that we wouldn't have to go through the same as we had in Japan. By the time we went to bed it was too late to catch the early train in the morning, but we couldn't find anywhere to stay at fujisan anyway; there was some kind of big organised walk up it, which was presumably why everything there was booked up too. We decided to forget it and just go from Tokyo in a day or two, allowing us finally to get a decent night's sleep.

The one benefit of staying in that hotel, apart from the amusing kimono-style dressing-gowns, was that we did get a decent night's sleep. But the room had cost us nearly 90% of our daily budget, and really wasn't all that nice. When we had to, we checked out and got the train to Tokyo.

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on July 15, 2009 from Kyoto, Japan
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon
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Tokyo, Japan

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on July 15, 2009 from Tokyo, Japan
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon
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Japanese Whisky and a Fat Pipe

Tokyo, Japan

Approaching Tokyo station we starting to examine the railway maps we had, looking for the station to get off at for our hostel. We couldn't find it anywhere. The instructions they had provided in an email and I had saved on my phone were, of course, only in English, which meant that we couldn't ask anyone for help, or compare the name station name with any of the maps or time-tables, because they were all in Japanese, and none in romanji. Eventually we realised that the digital photo Joanne had taken of the Google map on the computer screen when we booked it did have the Japanese of the station on it, so we tried to get a ticket at the desk by pointing at the name on the map. The man looked very confused, looked up his big book, and eventually understanding dawned on his face. He told us to go to Ueno station and change there for something or other. Unfortunately his English wasn't very good and was not able to pass on his dawn of understanding.

We decided to go to Ueno station and ask again. There we discovered what we were starting to suspect: the station was not on the railway, but on the underground route. The hostel had lied on the directions on their website which stated “5 minutes from the railway station”. Presumably this was deliberate to reel in people like us who have JR rail passes. We had booked that hostel because it was cheaper than most, but the extra we were now going to have to pay for underground tickets would completely wipe out the saving, which was unfortunate after yesterday's financial disaster.

The hostel itself was pretty dismal. We went to buy alcohol as consolation. We still had a “treat” or two in reserve, so I decided to splash out on a bottle of Japanese whisky. We hadn't drunk much whisky here, but apparently a Japanese was recently judged to be the best in the world. It sounded totally unfeasible to me, but it seemed only right that I make my own mind up. The previous day I'd sampled my first Japanese whisky at K's Hostel: a Yamazaki single malt. It was very nice, but I thought it tasted much more like bourbon than whisky: it certainly wasn't superior to Scottish whisky as I'd been told had been decided in a competition. Maybe they make better ones. Anyway this time I bought a bottle of cheaper Suntory whisky, but still a single malt.

We had originally planned to go to Nikkō the next day but re-reading the Lonely Planet it seemed the place was all about temples and given what we had thought so far of Japanese temples is sounded more like torture than anything else and we decided to cut our losses and put all our eggs in the fujisan basket. There had been a couple of accidents on Mt Fuji over the last few days and some people had told us that the snow was not completely cleared so Joanne was a bit nervous about climbing it. I didn't care: all I wanted to do now was see it and get out of Japan.

The whisky wasn't bad, but I'd have taken a Bells instead any day. We stayed up later than we had intended so that Joanne could speak to her sister, Mahri, on Skype, since the internet speed was pretty good. I had started uploading all of our photos to online backup storage and it was bliss to see how quickly it went.

After a slightly late, slightly boozy evening, we were woken at 7am. This time we weren't in a dorm, but we were right next to the common area, through paper-thin walls. Hostels in Japan are a noisy nightmare! We were too tired and too late, after falling asleep again after the 7am wake-up, to make it to fujisan so I just uploaded all day.

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on July 16, 2009 from Tokyo, Japan
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon
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Very Zen Fujisan

Gotemba, Japan

During night we were woken by someone in the hostel Skyping on the communal PC from 2am to 4:30am, but it was our last chance to do anything it Japan so we took the train to Mishima station and changed for Gotemba, just as the woman in Nara had told us we needed to. On the way we caught a tantalising glimpse of the mountain but carried on a fair way before we got to Mishima.

We duly changed and took the train to Gotemba. On the way to Gotemba I noticed that the Lonely Planet actually had a map of the area around Mt Fuji. It showed train stations Mishima, Gotemba, and our intended destination Kawaguchi-ko. However it was also clear from the map that there was no line connecting Gotemba to Kawaguchi-ko. The woman in Nara had told us a load of nonsense, which we had stupidly believed instead of doing a bit more research ourselves. But you do expect people working at a railway ticket desk to know how to get somewhere by rail. Well, we consoled ourselves Gotemba is one of the starting points for climbing the mountain and it is one of the closest towns so there must be a view there. But it was obvious from the clouds all around that we would be lucky to see very far down a street in Gotemba.

Sure enough we couldn't see any sign of the mountain. And there was no train to Kawaguchi-ko. We thought about getting the bus to Kawaguchi-ko, but when we discovered it would cost us ¥3000 each for quite a short journey after which we would probably still see nothing we decided against it. Why is transport in Japan so horribly expensive? The silver lining on these very heavy dark and pendulous clouds was that the station shop sold some interesting looking beers; the first I has seen in Japan. Most Japanese beer is competently made, but very uninteresting: bland, but certainly not unpleasant, a bit like the temples. This stuff looked like it was made in a German style so I bought one of each kind: wheat, dark, and lager.

On the way home it looked like it was much clearer on the Kawaguchi-ko side of the mountain, so we may have had a view after all, but I was totally defeated: Japan was just too difficult for me. It's hard enough with the language difficulties, but then when you have been giving you duff directions all the time, or not telling you vital things you need to know it just proved too much for me. As we came back into Tokyo I mused that the tower blocks look more like Glasgow's 60s and 70s tower blocks than the modern things they had in Hong Kong.

It was a rather pointless day. My friend Tim used to describe episodes such as those a Zen Missions. I'm not really sure what it means, if is his use is at all "correct", but I suppose it must have something to do with the activity being it's own end. It had certainly been a very Zen day.

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on July 17, 2009 from Gotemba, Japan
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon
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Goodbye, Japan. No Hard Feelings!

Tokyo, Japan

Back in Tokyo we made one last effort to spoil ourselves and went out for a meal, looking for a kind of DIY barbecue available in the area. We found a likely place, which certainly smelled the part, but ordering meant pointing, and Joanne pointed at what someone else had. It turned out to be cow organ stew. We're not sure what organ; it seemed quite like tripe but not as chewy as it usually is or with the same texture; Joanne thought it was tongue, but I have a suspicion it was what I saw later on a menu: colon. What a fitting end to a terrible two weeks! We went home and finished off all the booze, giving ourselves a sensible four hours sleep before getting up for our flight.

Japan wasn't horrible, but the time we had there was. Of course there were very nice moments: Nagasaki and Nara were my favourite places, and the couple of times we went out to eat were lovely. The people we always really nice, but it was just too difficult; I don't think two weeks is anything like enough time to get to grips with the place unless you have Japanese baby-sitters, or at least someone who had been living there a while to help you out. It certainly wasn't as beautiful or as high-tech as I had been expecting, and I think my expectation being so high compounded how disappointing I found it all. The sleeplessness and the awful form experiences did not improve my ability to enjoy myself either. I don't understand that: most of the dorms I've slept in have been in Scotland and they are never noisy like that. The English, Scottish, Germans and Dutch who (primarily) make use of them are considerate and quiet. Why Japanese people who are renowned for their politeness are so inconsiderate in hostels is beyond me. And lastly there is the cost. It was too expensive for our budget really, but we did manage it. However, I would advise anybody against visiting Japan; live and work there, sure, but if you have a finite amount of money to spend why on Earth would you go to Japan when your money will go much much further in SE Asia, India, Nepal, or even China? And to my mind, the places are not just much cheaper, but much nicer to visit anyway, even at the same cost.

We didn't expect Japan to be so difficult, certainly not harder than South China had been, but it was. Until Japan we had never walked so far with our big bags; most places the cheap backpacker accommodation is near public transport, but not in Japan, and even if it wasn't near public transport in other places you could just get a tuktuk or equivalent, but in Japan there are only unaffordably expensive taxis.

Oh yeah! But I loved that fast internet once we eventually found it!

I was absolutely ecstatic that we were leaving, though.

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on July 17, 2009 from Tokyo, Japan
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon
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Beijing, China

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on July 18, 2009 from Beijing, China
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon
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Return to China

Beijing, China

We flew from Japan early in the morning, still very fuzzy from all the alcohol we had been forced to finish the previous night, before leaving the country. On the plane Joanne couldn't resist asking for red wine, since wine is so expensive and so hard to come by in Asia. This was only about 10am, but I couldn't resist a gin and tonic to smooth the edges off my hangover.

From the moment we arrived in Beijing things looked much better than they had been in Japan. There was far more Romanisation of the Chinese script than anything we had seen in Japan, everybody seemed to speak English, and the instructions for getting to the hostel were very clear and extremely detailed. Unlike the Japanese, it seems, Chinese people can give directions. On the shuttle bus from the airport to the Metro I was amazed how modern Bejiing looks; finally here was the super-modern city I had expect to find in Tokyo. Beijing looked much more modern than Tokyo, and it was only then that I realised that Japan probably doesn't look so modern now because its big boom was in the 70s and 80s, leaving it in a time-warp from then, whereas China's boom is much more recent, so most of the big buildings were probably built in the last ten years. Once on the metro, the ultra-modern dream continued: simple to use ticket machines with an English option, very modern trains, and everything clearly sign-posted with maps everywhere. What a difference from Japan!

Tian'anmen Sunrise, our hostel, was in an excellent location, right next to the Forbidden City, and not far from Tian'anmen Square. Leaving the metro we were surrounded by modernity and next to a very impressive major boulevard. Yet, on the walk to our hostel we passed several examples of the kind of beauty that I had expected but was completely absent from Japanese cities: the ornately decorated entrance the the Grand Hotel Beijing, a pretty little park where a woman was doing Tai Chi next to an ornamental carp pond. This was exactly the kind of stuff I had expected from Japan, but just wasn't there. Everywhere were electric bicycles, electric mopeds, and all sort of other electric vehicles: Beijing is incredibly modern. I think I remember the authorities banning petrol-powered mopeds in the run-up to the Olympics since their two-stroke engines were a major contributor to the pollution, although I've never got around to checking up on the reliability of that memory.

It was very hot and humid. Japan had been more humid than I could handle but this was much worse! I think too much aircon in Japan had made us soft. Nearly at the hostel two people stopped us in the street and told us that they were art students and invited us to the college's art exhibition. We just wanted to get to our hostel and to shower and sleep so we told them that we would maybe go the following day. They insisted that we should come now because it was the very last day of the exhibition, but we were in no mood for touts so we just walked off. The hostel was excellent and our room was lovely and big, for less than half the price of a cheap dorm in Japan. Anyway, enough slagging Japan! Suffice to say that I think we should have given Japan a miss altogether and spent more time in China. The staff at the hostel were incredibly friendly and helpful; after checking us in they drew our attention to the warning posters on the wall about not accepting any invitations to art exhibitions or tea ceremonies from con-artists posing as students. For our whole stay in Beijing, we were invited to at least one every single day.

After a wash and a rest we ventured out into the lobby to take advantage of the free wifi and became involved in conversation and drinks with two young Americans. They were planning to travel some more once they were finished in China, so we regaled them of our travelling tales. They seemed particularly interested in India and when we were telling them about Varanasi they could not believe that people would drink such contaminated water. But it's a religious belief, I explained to them, but they insisted that no matter what you believed religiously it made no sense at all. I responded some people believe that Jesus came back from the dead, and that certainly doesn't make any more sense than believing drinking from a river will bless and protect you. They both looked a little bit shocked and one said “Well I suppose if you put it that way. I take it you're not religious then?”. It's easy to forget how religious America is; these had just seemed like two normal young lads, getting drunk, but they apparently followed Christian dogma. That makes them a very unusual pair of lads by European standards!

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on July 18, 2009 from Beijing, China
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon
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