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Ladakh or Bust

a travel blog by swamihead

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Huge Black Ants on Independence Day

Delhi, India

I arrived at the crack of dawn today after four flights and more than a full day of flying. I watched more TV flying than I do at home and got a few recent movies under my belt. The meals got increasingly better as I got closer to my destination, which I took as a good sign. Just before landing I spent about an hour staring at the almost full moon glistening off of the nightime clouds. It was a very peaceful sight.

After being turned around a bit at the airport I found the driver holding a placcard with my name on it. We hopped into the car and I began to pepper him with questions. About a minute later we were done chatting - he didn't speak English. From what I gathered in our short chat, the hotel was about 35 minutes away. Well, it was not a hotel but a bed and breakfast, which I have since learned only came into vogue in Delhi in the past 8 months. I'm not sure I got this fact right but there it is.

After about 30 minutes and four stops to ask for directions I wondered about my professional driver. Frustrated I finally called Johanna at home in Los Angeles to get the number for the hotel off of the Internet. A few calls and 1.25 hours later I finally arrived. Lesson 1: carry all of the hotel information with you, even if a travel agent has made the arrangements.

So I have one day and it turns out that it is Independence Day. Everything is shut down. That and there have been a rash of bombings throughout India in the past month so all potential "targets" are closed. About all I will be able to do is drive around for a bit and walk the parks - where I hear all of the locals will be spending the holiday. At dusk everyone climbs to their rooftops to fly kites, symbolizing the freedom gained through their independence from England. An expat family said they would put some beers in the refrigerator.

It's also monsoon season which brings with it enormous black ants. I have found them in my hair and three have tried to make it up my leg as I write this. They can cover a lot of ground in a short time. With legs like those you can understand how.

permalink written by  swamihead on August 15, 2008 from Delhi, India
from the travel blog: Ladakh or Bust
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