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Singapore, China, Indonesia, and Malaysia, August 13, 2009 – September 15, 2009

a travel blog by mantray

In which May eats too much and buys a lot of cheap crap. With a soupçon of "FUCK MOSQUITOES TO HELL."

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Narita, Japan

Hello from lovely Narita International Airport and thank you to ANA for free wifi. I'll soon be strapping myself in for seven hours inside a giant metal bird that'll fly me to Singapore, but my stomach is upset as all hell from the eleven hour ride I just took from San Francisco to Tokyo. I have drugs and saltines, but neither look terribly promising in my fight to NOT blow chunks and make things severely unpleasant for the passengers near me.

Anyhow, watch this space! And if you'd like a postcard from some exotic land (or maybe even postcards if I'm feeling like a big spender!), drop me your preferred mailing address through your favorite electronic channel and I'll see what I can do.

Ooh! And I am going to set up a Skype subscription once I get settled in Japan next month, so let me know what your, uh, user thingy* is if you're set up there.

  • Is it a user name or a number?? I am too god damn woozy to understand their website right now.

  • permalink written by  mantray on August 13, 2009 from Narita, Japan
    from the travel blog: Singapore, China, Indonesia, and Malaysia, August 13, 2009 – September 15, 2009
    tagged JapanAirplaneTransitNausea

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