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Setting up Shop for the Daily Grind

We got a lot accomplished today. Our agenda: 1. look for a place to live 2. Ryan's first day of work at Tranquillo Backpackers 3. Me to finish my book so I can concentrate on school next week After a quick breakfast and coffee at the hostel we set out to find a place to stay for the next 3...

permalink written by  ryan & debbrial on February 4, 2010 from San Jose, Costa Rica
from the travel blog: Us Discovering the Latin Americas

Gearing up for the next adventures

Not much going on the last few days just been hanging out in San Jose, but I thought I would give a brief update. Besides reading a lot and walking around the city what we really have been doing is trying to “litter box train” Flip Flop. Since she is going to be a traveling cat and live in the...

permalink written by  ryan & debbrial on November 17, 2009 from San Jose, Costa Rica
from the travel blog: Us Discovering the Latin Americas

Shitty, Kitty, Shit

Last night we left Flip Flop in the van since we could not take her in the hostel with us (with food and water and cool temperatures). We checked on her several times before bed. She was so cute sleeping on the dashboard. In the morning she was still there sleeping. Oooohhhh. But wait, not so...

permalink written by  ryan & debbrial on November 14, 2009 from San Jose, Costa Rica
from the travel blog: Us Discovering the Latin Americas

San Jose

We went from Leon at 3 in the morning and we almost overslept but made it. After another 10 hour bus drive we came to San Jose and since we didn’t have any idea where to go we followed some American guys to a hostel they knew of. Since this one didn’t really float our boat we decided to go to a...

permalink written by  Steffi & Chris on October 16, 2009 from San Jose, Costa Rica
from the travel blog: 212 days

Salto hasta Costa Rica

Llegar y directo a San Jose. Me he hospedado en un hostel en el centro lleno de gringos. El lunes por la mañana he estado con Olga, la suegra de Moha de BCN, que me han acogido en su casa como a un rey. Asi que ahora toca organizar la ruta para descubrir este increible pais. Seguiré...

permalink written by  Eka on August 9, 2009 from San Jose, Costa Rica
from the travel blog: Ekaren bidaia

Take the Long Way Home

Santa was having trouble with Colombian customs. "Where's the snow, Saint Nick?" the agents asked as they gutted his big red suitcase like a dead animal. Santa smiled and gave a shrug. They found nothing and eventually stamped his North Pole passport, sending him on his way. It was my...

permalink written by  chaddeal on May 14, 2009 from San Jose, Costa Rica
from the travel blog: The Great Pan-American Synchronistic Cycle Extravaganza Unlimited

Playa Tamarindo and San Jose

Playa Tamarindo,as I had been warned,w as VERY touristy. I felt more like I was on a foreign holiday than travelling as they were expensively dresses Americans averywhere,s eemingly spending all theirm oney in very pricey souvenir shops! It was a great place to hang out for a few nights before...

permalink written by  veritykent on May 6, 2009 from San Jose, Costa Rica
from the travel blog: Up, up and away



permalink written by  Prolet and salaam on February 21, 2009 from San Jose, Costa Rica
from the travel blog: Prolet And Salaam's Costa Rican adventure

The Final Farewell

So here I am, back in Tranquillo Backpackers, immersing myself in frantically typing up my route over the past few months and trying not to dwell on the fact that I am again all alone and boyfriendless for at least the next four months. Boohoo! Tomorrow still seems rather unreal - South...

permalink written by  Alex Kent on October 27, 2007 from San Jose, Costa Rica
from the travel blog: On the Varieties of Nature

The End of the Beginning

In San Jose we settled into Tranquillo Backpackers - a nice hostel in a less than nice part of town. Our guide book warned us that it was a booming red-light district by night, but even when we arrived early evening, the hostel manager was horrified to see us leave the car unattended - "Go,...

permalink written by  Alex Kent on October 11, 2007 from San Jose, Costa Rica
from the travel blog: On the Varieties of Nature

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