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Dag 13 - 16 - Shanghai

Shanghai.... En fantastisk by. Og en utrolig stor by. Siden 1954 har byen økt sin befolkning med 200.000 i snitt pr år. Offisielt er det 16,7 millioner innbyggere her, i tillegg kommer det i overkant av 8 milllioner mennesker som jobber i byen, utlending og folk fra landsbygda i Kina....

permalink written by  HikingViking on December 9, 2008 from Shanghai, China
from the travel blog: World Tour 2008/09

Shanghai Impression

We take the train from Beijing to Shanghai overnight, leaving at 7pm and arriving at 7am the next day. The train is a brand new European-built leviathan, with about 40 coaches and two engines. Each pair of coaches has its own attendant and there is a bar and restaurant on board. Within the...

permalink written by  vincy on October 21, 2008 from Shanghai, China
from the travel blog: My Travel


Came back for Friday night, one of Alyns friends Birthday was happening so we went out for a meal (tex mex) and had a lot of Mango Margaritas and Coronas. Stumbled in at 4. Had a very snazzy day Saturday having Brunch (at a proper brunch restaurant) then strolling through the French concession...

permalink written by  Dan on October 12, 2008 from Shanghai, China
from the travel blog: Been there, Dan that!

Meeting up with Alyn, at last

One of the main reasons I came to China was to visit Alyn an old work colleague and current mate from Sheffield. So its taken me over 7 months to make it here which I feel a bit bad about! Was it worth the wait? You'll see when I can be bothered to sit down write about it... Just for Mr...

permalink written by  Dan on October 6, 2008 from Shanghai, China
from the travel blog: Been there, Dan that!

Shanghai, China


permalink written by  wprasek on September 25, 2008 from Shanghai, China
from the travel blog: wprasek's Travel Blog

Hello world!!~@^o^@~

i am a happy ..i often smile with no reason hehe~~~~@^o^@

permalink written by  nana1985 on September 7, 2008 from Shanghai, China
from the travel blog: NaNa

Arrival in Shanghai

Woke up the next day, the sea was calm, and it was though the gut-wrenching hell from the day before had not existed. We ate breakfast and arrived in Shanghai at just about 12:00 even though we had thought arrival was at about 2:00pm. When we arrived, we spent an hour sitting around waiting...

permalink written by  Big_T on August 24, 2008 from Shanghai, China
from the travel blog: Big_T's Travel Blog

The Arrival

So, entry 3 is from the city of Shanghai. After going to sleep on the saturday night in a tossing and turning boat that I was sure was going to end up with the Titanic and other famous sunken galleons from days gone by, it was sweet relief to open my eyes cautiously to find out that we had...

permalink written by  adamski752 on August 24, 2008 from Shanghai, China
from the travel blog: Adam's Leisurely Return Home



permalink written by  worldnews21 on July 25, 2008 from Shanghai, China
from the travel blog: China

I'm only happy when it rains...

The rain is constant now, we've come upon the rainy season in Shanghai. What does this mean? Take an already dreary city, where the sun never shines due to the pollution, make it even darker, and add umbrellas everywhere. Next, torrential downpours of water picking up said pollution barrages...

permalink written by  waywardwahoo on June 13, 2008 from Shanghai, China
from the travel blog: Shanghai, China

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