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hao3 jiu3 bu5 jian4 Long time no see According to Intermediate Chinese (our book from last year) the phrase long time no see is a direct translation from the Chinese phrase. Anywho, it's been a while since I've blogged, let's review what's happened since: Since Saturday (with the...

permalink written by  waywardwahoo on June 11, 2008 from Shanghai, China
from the travel blog: Shanghai, China

I'm only happy when it rains...

Yesterday was quite the adventure. Finished catching up on some blogs in the morning. Went to lunch with DuoFu, only to have his appetite ruined by a chicken foot sticking out of his meal. Can't go wrong with Bokchoy! Came back, tried to get some work done, but it turned into a massive...

permalink written by  waywardwahoo on June 8, 2008 from Shanghai, China
from the travel blog: Shanghai, China

TESTing 1.2.3...

TEST day. WOO, woke up early. not. Studied up until the last minute. not. Took the test, which actually wasn't that bad. Used up 30 minutes of the two hours allotted, WeiAn and I went back to the houmen and split some jiaozi. Chilled out in the sushe with Duofu, Luolan and Weian and went...

permalink written by  waywardwahoo on June 6, 2008 from Shanghai, China
from the travel blog: Shanghai, China


That's right, I've switched to characters! What it says for my anglophone readers: Early to bed, early to rise = a healthy body. Does going to bed at 1600 and waking up the next morning at 0500 count as early to bed, early to rise? Yeah. Went to dinner with a large group; it wasn't...

permalink written by  waywardwahoo on June 5, 2008 from Shanghai, China
from the travel blog: Shanghai, China

Day 2. It's going to be a long nine weeks...

Pulled another all-nighter, basically. Class was not bad, still excited about them, even though it's a load of work. My one on one laoshi today was Zhang laoshi. After talking (again... they are obsessed with the idea of fraternity.) with her for most of the hour, we went to the post...

permalink written by  waywardwahoo on June 3, 2008 from Shanghai, China
from the travel blog: Shanghai, China

Seriously? No, are you for seriously?

So for those of you that know me/ my study habits, you know that this past semester at University was a toughie. Moving into the 400 levels for two of my departments as well as having some classes every day tested my limits. I pulled countless all-nighters and went through some pretty rough...

permalink written by  waywardwahoo on June 2, 2008 from Shanghai, China
from the travel blog: Shanghai, China

BonBon was really not bon

Sorry that was so tacky. Bonbon was... an experience. 120RMB for guys, 80RMB for the ladies and the scene was all the hip guys and skanky girls. It was kinda crazy. Occasional bairen, but mostly just very Asian. Some observations/lessons learned: - they took our tickets, so we were...

permalink written by  waywardwahoo on June 1, 2008 from Shanghai, China
from the travel blog: Shanghai, China

“Tourists don’t know where they’ve been, travelers don’t know where they’re going.” - Paul Theroux

Definitely didn't know where I was today. Took a tour to the Oriental Pearl Tower, Shanghai's equivalent of the Eiffel Tower / Washington Monument / Empire State. I'm not big on touristy things. Although, there was a roller-coaster inside, which was literally one-minute long. Definitely not...

permalink written by  waywardwahoo on May 31, 2008 from Shanghai, China
from the travel blog: Shanghai, China

Hit me baby one more time...

A blast from the past right? Not just that, apparently a Chinese favorite! Today we had our tour of the campus, which is a lot bigger than I expected. I actually got up early (aka: before 5ish). Walked around through the park, which was feichang crowded with different groups of old people...

permalink written by  waywardwahoo on May 30, 2008 from Shanghai, China
from the travel blog: Shanghai, China

School's out for summer. Wait...what?

Currently at ECNU; landed on time (if not a few minutes early) only to find that my bags were not there. Filled out paper work, apparently my bags were at LAX. Flustered, I went outside to the airport shuttle busses, and bus six was ready to leave. Got on, couldn’t find the leady, got off,...

permalink written by  waywardwahoo on May 29, 2008 from Shanghai, China
from the travel blog: Shanghai, China

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