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Day 0

Suze is the bestest Slurker any Slurk can ask for in any dimension possible in all of possible existences. This wonderful lady picked me up and drove me to bliss at a real honest to god awesome Mexican diner in Berkeley. I cried in my Horchata. She grinned and at her salad. Her domocile was...

permalink written by  kleer001 on November 15, 2008 from San Diego, United States
from the travel blog: Tijuana to Vancouver

Day 1

Leaving for Chicago, IL

permalink written by  virtualmelia on September 17, 2008 from San Diego, United States
from the travel blog: Rosemarie's African Adventure

We're done!

That's it, finished! We hit San Diego last night and stayed in our tent on a bit of concrete ambitiously advertised as a campsite by its owners just south of the city. Then this morning, after getting exactly no sleep for the second night in a row (its about a hundred degrees here, which doesn't...

permalink written by  willsandbrook on July 4, 2008 from San Diego, United States
from the travel blog: Cycling the Pacific Coast

arrived in San Diego, California


permalink written by  Benjamin on March 18, 2008 from San Diego, United States
from the travel blog: benjaminbunny's Travel Blog


So I've been a little tardy in writing. Sue me! I've been having a great time. I jumped on that train that morning (after Andy and Lisa rushed me to the train station as the train was coming in) not knowing what to expect of San Diego. I sat there in the train, and as is my wont, thought about...

permalink written by  Crosswood on January 3, 2008 from San Diego, United States
from the travel blog: New Zealand Student, American University.

In case you were wondering...

We have released the new back-end, a beautiful piece of proprietary help for ya'll!

permalink written by  shootdotedit on December 27, 2007 from San Diego, United States
from the travel blog: Big News!

It's Over :(

My Dearest Kai, A.K.A Charanda - You are on your way home to start a new and amazing life. I am so proud of you! This has been the most amazing experience of my life. I could not have and would not have wanted to do this with anyone other than you. I have never laughed this much in my life!...

permalink written by  KellyandKai on October 1, 2007 from San Diego, United States
from the travel blog: Kelly and Kai Road Trip

San Diego

We have been enjoying our last days together sitting on the beach and going out in San Diego. Had the best dinner ever at the Strip Club. We are so sad our trip is almost over.

permalink written by  KellyandKai on September 29, 2007 from San Diego, United States
from the travel blog: Kelly and Kai Road Trip

deciding what to do in San Diego

Again, advance planning helps. Scheduled an afternoon flight late enough to do things in San Diego and still have time for San Francisco this evening, but Sea World doesn't open until 10, and is $60, but we'd have to leave around 1 to get to the airport with our luggage, and the whale sighting...

permalink written by  John Koen on May 24, 2007 from San Diego, United States
from the travel blog: Philadelphia Orchestra U.S. Tour (2007)



permalink written by  gsantos4 on April 27, 2007 from San Diego, United States
from the travel blog: TIMBERLAKE EUROPEAN TRIP

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