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24 luglio 2007

Oggi giornata pazzesca! sole e venticello...20-25 gradi...una favola! La sveglia sempre a delle ore pazzesche: 7:30. alle 8:00 eravamo gia' pronte per buttarci nella mischia. Meta: lower manhattan. prendiamo la metro che ci conduce diretti al traghetto per la statua della liberta'...una coda...

permalink written by  ale_sonia on July 24, 2007 from New York, United States
from the travel blog: USA 2007

Change of Pace

Traveling by bicycle provides ample time for observation and reflection, and affords contact with a rich panoply of individuals that alas, a car immediately denies you. That satisfying “cha-hungk” of the driver’s side door, so carefully considered by car manufacturers, seals you like Tupperware...

permalink written by  roel krabbendam on July 24, 2007 from New York, United States
from the travel blog: Spare Change

22 luglio 2007 - Partenza

Partenza per gli States. Sveglia all'alba e dopo esserci fumate passivamente 140 sigarette siamo pronte per partire. Neanche arrivate al gate incontriamo Laura, una ragazza che apparentemente sembra simpatica, ma si rivela presto una palla al piede! non sa una parola di inglese, ha una storia...

permalink written by  ale_sonia on July 23, 2007 from New York, United States
from the travel blog: USA 2007

23 luglio 2007

Primo giorno intero a New York! Piove a dirotto!! Dopo una sostanziosa colazione all'Americana: uova, pancetta, patate, burro marmellata, pane tostato, succo d'arancia e caffe'...pronte alle intemperie. decidiamo di comprarci due umbrellas (e' impensabile farne a meno!!) ci avviamo alla...

permalink written by  ale_sonia on July 23, 2007 from New York, United States
from the travel blog: USA 2007

New York, New York

New York is BIG. When Central park is a couple of km’s long, and takes up a teeenie part of Manhattan island, you know there is going to be plenty of walking involved. Honestly, we were in NYC for a crazy four days, and were always out and about, so I’ll give you some of the...

permalink written by  no_fosters_thanks on July 6, 2007 from New York, United States
from the travel blog: Canada

A city that never sleeps

There seems like so much to do in New York, and there really is! Cliched, sure, but true all the same. We arrived in to the bus station sometime in the afternoon and were aghast at how stupidly and insanely large this joint was. About 87 gates for buses. Buses EVERYWHERE. As we've already...

permalink written by  haveyouseenmypassport on July 5, 2007 from New York, United States
from the travel blog: To infinity!.. and... beyond... uh.....

Off to France and Italy

Recently my father passed away and we are going to our little town in Italy to commemorate him on his 71st birthday, Jine 25th, 1936.

permalink written by  LuckyValentina on May 29, 2007 from New York, United States
from the travel blog: Off to France and Italy

NYC - other highlights

On Saturday I attended part of the Adult Basic Education Conference in New York City. This was unplanned but I couldn't refuse Kathy King's invitation to attend. Kathy was presenting. Her session was entitled 'Capturing iPods and the MP3 Craze for Learning: Helping Students Tell their Stories'....

permalink written by  Sally Delaney on May 5, 2007 from New York, United States
from the travel blog: Sally DeLearning - American Style 2007

Anyone for Podcasting?

This morning we travelled by subway out to the Bronx to meet with Dr Kathy King and her colleague Dr Barbara Heuer. Kathy is a Professor of Adult Education and the Director, Regional Educational Technology Centre (RETC) for Professional Development at Fordham University. Barbara is Assistant...

permalink written by  Sally Delaney on May 4, 2007 from New York, United States
from the travel blog: Sally DeLearning - American Style 2007

New York, New York

Well here I am in New York City which is difficult to believe. New York City is the most heavily populated city in the United States of America with a population of in excess of 8.1 million people living in an area of 322 square miles. There appears to be no centimetre of space that is not used...

permalink written by  Sally Delaney on May 3, 2007 from New York, United States
from the travel blog: Sally DeLearning - American Style 2007

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