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Da What?

We are in the mountains, and boy is the temperature change a welcome break - I am wearing pants!!! There was an article in the WSJ a few years ago about this town - it was developed in the late 1800s by a protege of Louis Pasteur. Apparently it's the top honeymoon destination in Vietnam, though...

permalink written by  GoBlue on June 29, 2007 from Da Lat, Vietnam
from the travel blog: Joc's Journeys

You know you're dirty when...??

...a kitten climbs on top of your shoulders and starts grooming your ponytail? Against doctor's orders - "under no circumstances - no matter how cute they are, whether they're dogs, cats, horses, cows, whatever - do not, I repeat, do not, pet them" - I gave in to holding and petting a kitten...

permalink written by  GoBlue on June 28, 2007 from Da Lat, Vietnam
from the travel blog: Viv's Voyage(s)

In land to Dalat, int he mountains

We then headed inland to Da Lat, which is in the mountains. It's a beautiful city with lots of crazy buildings. They are only recently used to receiving tourists, and it is in Dalat that I realised that everyone in Vietnam is very small, and I looked like a giant amongst the locals!

permalink written by  vicks4 on November 23, 2006 from Da Lat, Vietnam
from the travel blog: Post Work Trip - Vicky Griffiths

Mui Ne

Afetr a 5 hour bus trip we arrived in Mui Ne, on the coast, to a beautiful beach (11km long) and a lovely bungalow. right next to the beach. We spent 3 nights here, just relaxing.

permalink written by  vicks4 on November 20, 2006 from Da Lat, Vietnam
from the travel blog: Post Work Trip - Vicky Griffiths

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