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permalink written by  125asul on April 1, 2009 from Jaipur, India
from the travel blog: 125asul's Travel Blog

Bomb avoidance

Blimey, those bombs in Delhi were a bit close for comfort. I was in Connaught Place and India Gate 3 days ago. Hey ho. Here's how a typical conversation with an autorickshaw driver goes... Me: I'd like to go to (insert place). Driver: Sure. Me: How much? Driver: 100 rupees. Me (looking...

permalink written by  phileasdogg on September 13, 2008 from Jaipur, India
from the travel blog: Planes, Trains & Taxiwallahs

tea cups make the heart grow fonder

3/4/08 The legendary heat of India is beginning to rear its ugly head. And just as most places don’t have heat, most don’t have air conditioning, which changes the meaning of what is to be hot compared to the US. They say that this is just warm weather. Sunita warns us that it will no doubt...

permalink written by  Drie on March 4, 2008 from Jaipur, India
from the travel blog: Adventures in Hindustan

on the streets

2/24/08 My first weekend spent here in Jaipur. As whenever I suddenly have much free time, I feel antsy like I should be out doing something…But I really can think of to do useful now is study or read. Hmm.. Special musing/bitching for the day: are Indians friendly people? I just can’t...

permalink written by  Drie on February 28, 2008 from Jaipur, India
from the travel blog: Adventures in Hindustan


2/25/08 The following is a copy of a assignment I have submitted for MAXSA class (aka Maximizing Study Abroad), a course in which we reflect and share our interactions with our host culture and which I take very seriously: Dear Tara, A triumph in the process of Coping with my host...

permalink written by  Drie on February 25, 2008 from Jaipur, India
from the travel blog: Adventures in Hindustan

Haveli Holidays

/08 Haveli Holidays So our weekend excursion to Bundi is over Overall, a beautiful success. On our day in the town we got up and waited leisurely in the sun for mama to get in the kitchen and make chai and then—individual—incredibly good masala dosai (look it up if you don’t know) for the...

permalink written by  Drie on February 3, 2008 from Jaipur, India
from the travel blog: Adventures in Hindustan

Bundi Advenures

Bundi Adventures 2/1/08 Snapshot: Sleeping with mice for a Starbucks chai We are now in Bundi! This is a much smaller town (around pop.100,000) several hours south of Jaipur. Getting there was a grand time. We had bought train tickets earlier in the week (rp340) and arrived at the train...

permalink written by  Drie on February 2, 2008 from Jaipur, India
from the travel blog: Adventures in Hindustan

To Gandhiji

To Gandhiji. It’s the anniversary of Gandhi’s death, and the event is observed by 2 minutes of silence at 11. AM. It’s a nice gesture but as we stood in silence I heard the honks and street noises and thus was not under the illusion that the whole country stops in place to observe the...

permalink written by  Drie on January 30, 2008 from Jaipur, India
from the travel blog: Adventures in Hindustan

Sidewalks arent for walking

The most homesick I’ve been I think. Its hard to say why really. A tiring day, maybe, or my headache, dealing with a few of the more annoying of my groupmates, or perhaps its just about that time. I feel a bit disillusioned somehow. In some sense it’s the feeling that I’m not ‘seeing the...

permalink written by  Drie on January 27, 2008 from Jaipur, India
from the travel blog: Adventures in Hindustan

republic day

Our first weekend on the program and also Republic Day. Cheers to a Democratic India! Well, yesterday began alright, it was our first ‘class excursion’ meaning we took a truck around Jaipur to see city palace and went up for a short period to Amber Fort (the old fortified city in the hills...

permalink written by  Drie on January 26, 2008 from Jaipur, India
from the travel blog: Adventures in Hindustan

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