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St Matthews and Jesus' tunic.

Trier, Germany

It was nice to get a bit of a sleep in today and it was well deserved after our epic journey yesterday. As much as we’d have liked to keep on sleeping and relaxing we didn’t want to waste our one day in Trier, so we hopped up (reluctantly mind you) and took a walk to St Matthews church, where it is said the Apostle Matthew is buried. We took a little walk around the church admiring the graveyard (that was well tended too garden wise) and had a peek inside the church. At the front of the church is a tomb that contains Apostle Matthews’s body however we were unable to get too close as there was a service on and we didn’t wish to cause a disturbance, so we left shortly after.

After this we continued on into the city centre where we took in the Port a Nigra once more and this time, took the chance to go up to the top and check out the inside of this amazing old wall as we did so, the views from up here were great, looking out over the city and all the people, it was nice to see the crowds but not be caught up in the middle of it all!

The tour of the top of the Port a Nigra didn’t take long so we moved on to the Dome, another landmark we had spent a lot of time looking at last time we visited but never got around to actually visiting. The Dome is home to the tunic Jesus wore on the day of his crucifixation (apparently) and is stored here behind closed doors and it comes out on display every 5 years or so. Unfortunately we don’t have 5 years to wait for this, so we got as close as we could and took the photos we could before having to move on.

Time now was ticking over into evening and we had some shopping to do for our road trip to France tomorrow, so we hit the supermarket. There was a time when I once liked going to the grocery store, picking up the weeks goods, looking over the bargain bits and bobs you could find, but lately I have found the whole thing a hellish ordeal. Perhaps it’s just the fact that Europe has so many people shopping at one time, it’s just too much for a quiet Tassie girl!

It was back home after this where we relaxed with a few drinks and waited for Inga to pop over for a quick visit. It was lovely to see Inga again and to catch up with her though; we kept all the goss for tomorrow’s long road trip to France!

permalink written by  Chris and Emily on August 22, 2009 from Trier, Germany
from the travel blog: Europe 2009
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