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Next Stop: Montevideo

Hola Alemania! Ich habe leider gerade nicht so richtig Zeit und das im Urlaub...deshalb nur ein kurzes Update: Ich lebe noch und bin gestern Abend mit dem Schiff von BA nach Montevideo gefahren. Für diejenigen die ähnlich beschränkte Geographiekenntnisse aufweisen wie die Hälfte der...

permalink written by  barthzie on February 10, 2011 from Buenos Aires, Argentina
from the travel blog: Southamerica tryout

Preparando nochevieja

Mas Buenos Aires!! Mer llegó la primera, el lunes a la noche llegó Luli y hoy a la mañana se suponia que llegaba Cerillo. Pero no! Traia muchas cosas y ha tenido que pedir ayuda: Y ha venido: EDUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!! Ja, ja, ja, ja,...!!! He ido con Lalo, Viole y Yoda a buscarle(s),...

permalink written by  Eka on December 31, 2009 from Buenos Aires, Argentina
from the travel blog: Ekaren bidaia

On the mend...

We left the big city and slums of La Paz and landed in the big and very much more modern city of Buenos Aires and found a few surprises. We remembered quite quickly that Argentinians (especially the men) are very competitive. Nowhere is this more evident when riding as a passenger in a taxi...

permalink written by  Cath & Andy on May 6, 2007 from Buenos Aires, Argentina
from the travel blog: A journey to the alter and South America


Foz Íguazu In my extremem ignorance about the falls, I assumed that Foz d´Iguazu literally meant "Iguazu Falls". Turns out this is not the case, it means "End of the Iguazu River", which is the reason the town is 20km or so from the falls. On discovery of this fact I began something of a rant...

permalink written by  tevans1 on April 1, 2007 from Buenos Aires, Argentina
from the travel blog: Tom's Travels 2007

Best day yet

Yesterday I had my best day here yet, absolutely crashed out, slept for about 12 hours, then when I woke we were ready to explore. John and I just wandered around Buenos Aires for awhile, found an english language bookshop, so I lost John there for a little while. Had to go and buy some...

permalink written by  no_fosters_thanks on November 21, 2006 from Buenos Aires, Argentina
from the travel blog: No Fosters Thanks

In der Großstadt

Heute regnet es. Entsprechend fallen unsere Pläne aus: Einkaufen. Erstmal ziehen wir in ein besseres Hotel um (Astoria an der Av. de Mayo, mit gutem Preis-Leistungsverhältnis für AR$ 125). Dann besuchen wir die um die Ecke liegenden Tango-Geschäfte: eines ist da am anderen, eine Riesenauswahl an...

permalink written by  gattidimonaco on October 2, 2006 from Buenos Aires, Argentina
from the travel blog: Los Andes 2006

Tango in BsAs

Wieder früh raus, wieder mit Pepe zum Flughafen in Santiago, und nach einem 2h-Flug sind wir in Buenos Aires! Die Hotelsuche gestaltet sich zunächst wenig erfolgreich: im zweiten Anlauf landen wir im "Gran Hotel España", daß den Namenszusatz "gran" wahrlich nicht verdient. Für unseren...

permalink written by  gattidimonaco on October 1, 2006 from Buenos Aires, Argentina
from the travel blog: Los Andes 2006

Argentina Begins

Hola! Como andan? Well hello everybody. Most of you have been waiting with intense anticipation for this email, others may not know what exactly it's about. I said I was going to send a montly newsletter to everyone explaining what I'm up to, and how I'm doing. Well, here it is. The debut of Mi...

permalink written by  BellaSorella28 on September 20, 2006 from Buenos Aires, Argentina
from the travel blog: 2006-2007 Rotary International Argentina

Should be in Chile, still in Buenos Aires

Made a bit of a boo boo today, well we all did. Firstly i realised that our flight was at 11:30 am 1/6/06, and its already 12 now. So we have all missed our flight because we thought it was tomorrow, for fox sake. Between the three of us, we couldnt work out that our flight was Thursday not...

permalink written by  Vegtibbles on June 2, 2006 from Buenos Aires, Argentina
from the travel blog: The Crazy Adventures of the Tibbler

Week 1 - Buenos Aires

This first week away has been pretty eventful to say the least. Managed to buy myself some hair straighteners at the airport, so already im feeling more at home! (Thanks Kerry). First day went like a dream, Steve and Martin met me at the airport and brought me back to Tango Hostel in the centre...

permalink written by  Vegtibbles on June 1, 2006 from Buenos Aires, Argentina
from the travel blog: The Crazy Adventures of the Tibbler

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