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The Kimberley: Day 6

Today we rocked up to El Questro station, or El Shiny Town as its also known. They have 1 million acres of land but only 8000 cattle which they move around randomly and pretend to be a working cattle station as opposed to the overpriced flashy resort they are so they don't lose their lease. Its...

permalink written by  Koala Bear on July 22, 2007 from Gibb, Australia
from the travel blog: Sod Off Great Big Mission Round Oz

The Kimberley: Day 2

We were up before the sun this morning which was pretty much going to be the trend for most of the 12 days because, as Glen said, the Kimberley is all about the daylight hours and fitting as much in as possible. I made a point of ignoring the time. Fortunately I can sleep anywhere, even one of...

permalink written by  Koala Bear on July 18, 2007 from Gibb, Australia
from the travel blog: Sod Off Great Big Mission Round Oz

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