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Last few days in Oz and back with the rellies

May 9 We had a lazy morning just chilling out walking along the seafront, trying to soak up the last of the sunshine and warmth. We headed to the Airport and caught the flight back to Sydney. We caught the train back to Tahmoor where Erin picked us up, took us back to theirs and fed us...

permalink written by  James & Tracey on May 9, 2007 from Tahmoor, Australia
from the travel blog: James & Tracey World Tour

Back witht he Rellies!

April 5 Today we were meant to go to the beach as Sue had left her car for us. We managed to put some washing on, upload some photos and go to the shop for some food shopping. We never got to the beach! In the evening we went to a local pub - the Imperial. Here we met a couple of Sues crazy...

permalink written by  James & Tracey on April 5, 2007 from Tahmoor, Australia
from the travel blog: James & Tracey World Tour

Blue Mountains

March 30 Sue had work today near the Blue Mountains so we went with her and took the car after we dropped her off. We arrived at Echo Point and saw the Three Sisters (a rock formation). It was really windy at the top and freezing cold so we donned our jumpers again! We went for a walk for about...

permalink written by  James & Tracey on March 30, 2007 from Tahmoor, Australia
from the travel blog: James & Tracey World Tour

Catching up with Rellies Down Under

We arrived in Oz after almost no sleep! Going from Bangkok airport to Singapore, then eventually arriving at Sydney. James' Aunty met us at the airport, so there was no hassle for once about how to get to our accommodation. James drove for the first time in 7 weeks - a 5.7 litre tuned automatic...

permalink written by  James & Tracey on March 26, 2007 from Tahmoor, Australia
from the travel blog: James & Tracey World Tour

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