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Jumping Around

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Will not leave this planet before having jumped everywhere on it !

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Jumping in Forcalquier

Forcalquier, France

Forcalquier is my home town ! Great city and wonderful goat chesse.

It also have the ultimate BEST crèperie restaurant in the whole world. Try: Salade de chèvre chaud, then Blanchette and a Corsaire for the dessert!

It is after going to that restaurant that we took the picture below... that might be one of the reason why that jump is a bit low :-)

permalink written by  Sly on September 5, 2009 from Forcalquier, France
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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Jumping in Vienna

Vienna, Austria

Vienna and Bratislava are the two closest country capitals in the world. We couldn't miss that !

permalink written by  Sly on September 3, 2009 from Vienna, Austria
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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Jumping on the Danube

Fischamend Dorf, Austria

Bratislava and Vienna are 60km distant and the Danube river flows through both cities. I highly recommend to take one of the boat shuttles that go from one city to the other. They're quite cheap and the landscapes sailing on the river are gorgeous!

permalink written by  Sly on September 2, 2009 from Fischamend Dorf, Austria
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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Jumping in Slovakia

Bratislava, Slovakia

A few days in 4 days in Slovakia in Bratislava and visiting the Devin Castle. Great country, great people, great food... awful language :-)

This is Slovakiaaaaaaaaa ("famous quote"):

It is on that precise day we arrived in Bratislava that the airplane company that flew us here decided... to go brankrupted :-/ Stuck in the Bratislava yay ! After some time finding for workaround we ended up finding some tickets from Vienna to go Paris. But as it was last minute, it was business class only... champagne was good tough :)

permalink written by  Sly on September 1, 2009 from Bratislava, Slovakia
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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Jumping at Rock en Seine music festival

Saint-Cloud, France

Rock en Seine! 3 days of pure rock craziness with the climax being the Offsring and Prodigy concerts.

permalink written by  Sly on August 30, 2009 from Saint-Cloud, France
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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Jumping at le Parc Astérix

Plailly, France

A day at le Parc Astérix... and still jumping.
I strongly recommend you the two main attractions "Le tonnerre de Zeus" and "Le Goudurix" for high sensations !

permalink written by  Sly on August 11, 2009 from Plailly, France
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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Jumping in Hendaye

Hendaye, France

Following le "sentier de grande randonnée" that goes down to Spain.

permalink written by  Sly on August 2, 2009 from Hendaye, France
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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Jumping in Saint Jean de Luz

Saint-Jean-de-Luz, France

Jumping with Sylvain on a beach in Saint Jean de Luz after a tough day in la Feria de Bayonne !
I love that picture :)

permalink written by  Sly on August 1, 2009 from Saint-Jean-de-Luz, France
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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Early jumping in Biarrtiz

Biarritz, France

Jumping at 8am in Biarritz beach after a night spent in a "Party train" (French railway have had the "great" idea of having standard TGV high speed trains running at slow speed during the whole night AND having a bar/nightclub open all night !!)

permalink written by  Sly on July 31, 2009 from Biarritz, France
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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Jumping in front of Notre Dame de Paris

Paris, France

Jumping with Eva in front of Notre Dame de Paris during June 21st Fête de la Musique !

permalink written by  Sly on June 21, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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