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20th July 2015 - Vienna park & Ride - 2 Frazosengraben, 1030 Wein. Ended up parking on the road!!! P&R max height 2.1m!

permalink written by  Pet_Travel_Europe on July 20, 2015 from Vienna, Austria
from the travel blog: Pet Travel Europe - Road Trip 2015

Forêt de Vienne

17 juillet. Mercredi. Il a fait + 30 A 8h45 nous étions dans le hall où l'autobus nous attendait pour un tour de ville et la visite de Schonbrunn. On a été une heure dans l'autobus avant le vrai départ. Le guide était des plus ennuyants. A mon avis, il ne savait pas ce qu'il lisait. On...

permalink written by  gifran on July 18, 2013 from Vienna, Austria
from the travel blog: Europe 2013


16 juillet (mardi) Il a fait 26 aujourd'hui mais sans humidité. C'était super. Nous avons encore beaucoup marché. J'étais contente de ma journée mais aussi très contente de revenir à l'hôtel. La vieille partie de la Ville est exceptionnelle. Des édifices d'une richesse incroyable. On se...

permalink written by  gifran on July 16, 2013 from Vienna, Austria
from the travel blog: Europe 2013

And SOMETIMES... I can.

Many years ago I was finishing another trip in Europe with my favorite traveling buddy, and we were ending a summer of driving through Europe camping and traveling in a leased car. On this day before we were to fly home, we needed to turn in our leased car before noon at a certain car agency...

permalink written by  terriaustria on June 30, 2011 from Vienna, Austria
from the travel blog: terriaustria's Travel Blog

And SOMETIMES... I can.

Many years ago I was finishing another trip in Europe with my favorite traveling buddy, and we were ending a summer of driving through Europe camping and traveling in a leased car. On this day before we were to fly home, we needed to turn in our leased car before noon at a certain car agency...

permalink written by  terriaustria on June 30, 2011 from Vienna, Austria
from the travel blog: terriaustria's Travel Blog


permalink written by  ruga02 on October 13, 2010 from Vienna, Austria
from the travel blog: TESTtestTEST

Vienna - Wir bleiben in Vienna

I planned out an itinerary for us last night, so this morning, we hit the ground running. Breakfast was surprisingly nice, given the ratty condition of the room we are staying in, so that was a unexpected plus. It was even colder this morning, and it was raining with a forecast to rain ALL day,...

permalink written by  blondie on August 30, 2010 from Vienna, Austria
from the travel blog: Central Europe

To Vienna - Wir gehen zu Osterreich!

This morning, we got off to a little of a slow start. We ate breakfast at Grand Cafe Orient, which is at the top of the Czech Cubism Museum building (we should have gone to the Museum too). There was a band marching on the street below, and enough bees again surrounding our food outside to kill...

permalink written by  blondie on August 29, 2010 from Vienna, Austria
from the travel blog: Central Europe

Starting a journey

Today is the day, all that planning done (at least the planning I am willing to do in advance) and my things packed I set off to the airport at 8a.m yesterday. The first flight took 40min from Linz to Vienna, from where my flight to Narita started. At 1:15p.m was the take-off from Vienna....

permalink written by  JuergenS on July 4, 2010 from Vienna, Austria
from the travel blog: Two month of Japan

Jumping in Vienna

Vienna and Bratislava are the two closest country capitals in the world. We couldn't miss that !

permalink written by  Sly on September 3, 2009 from Vienna, Austria
from the travel blog: Jumping Around

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