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Lynds and Kats red-carpet-tour of Australia

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sydney the start of 'lets go cause trouble'

Sydney, Australia

so we arrived in this haven of pouched animals and smoothies everyewhere, at night after flight of 'errrr..... what day is it, and where the hell are we now' and couldn't check in to what turned out to be hostel of doom as office was shut so went out instead.

waking with hangovers we went on a bit of an explore around bondi and generally spent time really confused about time, why it's warm and november and why australian men seem to have taken a liking to wearing speedos....

beached it pretty much everyday spent time walking barefoot around and ever insearch of more smoothies and a clue to help us actually figure out what the hell we are gonna do till xmas.

indy's our hostel, gave the answer to some of this in the form of dickie our strange receptionist saw the fact we were clearly too busy being cheeky buggers, boy watching and wandering which way the city was to plan anything so booked us stuff and we did. also got so much free stuff here and so became red carpet tour......

met random conglomerate of people including many dickheads who think trance house is firstly a form of music and secondly applicable to play at 7in the morning in hostel.

shared room with two girls from Blackpool and i use the term loosly as so were they. lynds had a few testy moments of 'i want to hit them kat, please let me they need slapping'. she didn't but she really was right. sess pit of room also contained a candian who's first hobbie is talking at people loudly at time of day about utter noting and second was throwing up in the bin, a guy who thinks cycling round oz is a good idea a stoner fisherman but thankfully there was also dave.

comando dave is army man and used all of his skills of country protection and turned them into control of crazy englich girls skills. basically became yet another person of many to come who would look after us.

guru showed us Sydney, bars, blue mountains which are beautiful but is actually a massive canyon that robs you of your legs to climb out of. thousands of vertical steps. thousands i tell you.

we decided Sydney was cool definately could turn into home and managed to go on runs through art exhibitions, see sights, get pissed, shop, go trekking, learn how to eat pie (thanks guru) be slightly debaucherous and dance our little asses off at strange, strange, under ground clubs, secure flat for xmas and new year and get the ball rolling for trip in a week.

so onward on journey into somewhere started wiht Sydney as base

permalink written by  lynds-n-kat on October 31, 2006 from Sydney, Australia
from the travel blog: Lynds and Kats red-carpet-tour of Australia
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