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Santa Clarita day 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33

Santa Clarita, United States

bso much happened this period that it is impossible to explain, I will rather upload photos so u can see for your self and hopefully the finished edited product.

permalink written by  Lamignan on November 22, 2008 from Santa Clarita, United States
from the travel blog: California
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San francisco/San Diego day 27

San Francisco, United States

I was suppose to meet Christina Lewis today for an interview, for those who don't know who she is, well she is the person who does spiritual clowning, find your inner clown stuff. I was suppose to meet her at 9 30 A.M but ran a little late cause I had to pack my bags. I was leaving Santoshes pad and walking around with 2 bags on my shoulders back and front, I also had the camera bag and a heavy tripod and it was fuckin over 80 degrees out. When I got to the clown studio I rang the bell, nobody opened. I was kinda in a relief since I walked my ass off to get there and nobody was opening. I though to myself: "Stop clowning"...
I knew that I was suppose to do an interview before they started and after they had finished. So I took the chance and went to the post office, had to send an important mail to one of the exchange schools, the one in Berlin. So I did stuff while the clock was tic tocking. I then went to a coffee shop and waited until 1 50 P.M
When I got back at the clown studio Christina gave me "the look" and said with "the tone" we can't film today cause somebody else is going to occupy the space. I asked if we could do it another time. She then said (again with "the tone") Sure, you have my e-mail...
I got a little bit pissed and just left the place. I went back to the coffee shop and hung for a few hours. I then hooked up with Fury 93 and interviewed him about his graffitti work.. It was interesting this time. I will hook up with him again and he will show me more off his works.
I then went to the airport and met up with Hollie. She actually passed the control with a pocket knife and mais in her purse.. So she could hijack the plane if she wanted to, with a knife in one hand and mais in the other, that would have been a funny movie scene except her dressing up as a clown.
I interviewed her on the plane. We landed in San Diego and a sideshow artist who calls himself "murrugun the mystic" (you can check him out at www.myspace.com/murrugun ). We went over to his pad and watched a porn movie called "long jean silver" .. It is a girl who had to get rid of her leg as a kid, and the amputated leg looked like an alien who was sniffing its way into any hole and penetrating it. It was a bizzarre twilight zone experience... I think that David Lynch made this film before he started to make hollywood movies. It was that bizzarre. I fell asleep pretty fast since I was working on the music video until 4 in the morning.
Well when I wake up we're going to the desert... So the blog won't be updated until I get back to San Francisco.
well... until then... have a good day/night and hope you enjoy reading my blog.

permalink written by  Lamignan on November 16, 2008 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: California
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video 8

San Francisco, United States


it is a music video

permalink written by  Lamignan on November 15, 2008 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: California
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san francisco day 25

San Francisco, United States

Guess what people..
Today was a baker day, oh yeah. I went to the beach with Nikita and Brad "Santosh" Olsen, we hung out and I was as usual working, filming Nikita having a discussion with Hollie about her career and life. It was a pretty well done discussion. We were at baker beach until about 5 p.m before we headed home to Santosh. We got something to eat and got ready for the first Baker "Party at Sofia healing center". It was arranged by pink revolution witch is a cosy political group. They believe in making love and not hate. The party was a blast, everybody was smoking weed, I went around with my camera and I got butt naked for the first time in front of maybe 100 people, and I was in a sauna that was available. It was a blast and a success. And so was the filming that day, starting to have a lot of footage but I will have to get more. Better to come home with to much rather than to little. So I am filming my ass off, hope I make you proud :)
I took a cab home cause I was so drunk that i didn't know where the fuck I was going but I woke up the next day safe and sane... sane... Sane...

permalink written by  Lamignan on November 15, 2008 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: California
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san francisco day 26

San Francisco, United States

Well the sun is still shining, it is 75 degrees and we're loving it. I hooked up with Nikita and we headed towards Baker Beach to do an interview with Hollie, but we missed her. She had left when we arrived. So, Nikita and I decided to shoot a music video. We went to the bunkers and started to shoot. I think we had like 1.5 hours before total darkness. The funny thing is that when we finished shooting, suddenly there were several "independent video makers" Kinda funny what effect a pro camera and sexy dancers have on people. But it is kinda fun to film all kinds of crazy shit.
Later that night me and "Santosh" went to this opening where they exhibited the top 50 book covers this year. It I filmed him and I am going to do an interview with him within the next 2 weeks. He is one of Hollies good friends. He is a writer so documenting him at the book event is perfect. We then moved on to an opening. The artists name was Chor Boogie (http://www.chorboogie.com/). His style was spray can on canvas but in an amazing way. I just had to film it. in front of one of the walls there was a frame that hung maybe 20-30 cm in the lose air with no pic/paintings in it. I just though what the hell is this.. While I was filming I saw 2 halfnaked girls with spray paint on their body looking like Chors canvases. They had Roses in their hands and walked slowly towards the frame. They ended up doing a performance behind the frame and became the painting. Sometimes they went out and started to mingle with the audience. It was pretty cool. I managed to film it and to get an interview with the artist. We then went back home and I hooked up with Nikita and we had late night pizza..

permalink written by  Lamignan on November 15, 2008 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: California
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San francisco day 22

San Francisco, United States

Today I woke up and Brad Olsen and I went to one of the parks so that I could film him read for one of his up and coming podcasts. We shot for maybe an hour or so. But before the shooting Brad bought me chinese food for my b-day. We came back home, I imported the tapes and was wondering if I were to celebrate my big day. I though to myself that I won't get far with only 35 USD. So I decided to stay in and did research on mr and mrs Torn since I had arranged an interview with them. Hollie came over for a burrito and we had loads of wine, I also invited Nikita over who never showed up, but that was ok, cause soon as Hollie left i kinda fell asleep.

permalink written by  Lamignan on November 12, 2008 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: California
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San francisco day 23

San Francisco, United States

Today was a big day. I went to meet up with the Torns to do an interview with them. The interview about their career in the porn industry went pretty well. Got a lot of stuff and answers. After that we played wii, had some wine and ended up playing basketball on Mr. Torns computer. Mrs Torn made some great tuna fish pasta and garlic bread for supper. It was pretty good. I then took a bus and headed home. Once I got in the door, I sat down and fell asleep in my chair. I will edit a little piece of mr and mrs torn so you can meet them.

permalink written by  Lamignan on November 12, 2008 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: California
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San francisco day 24

San Francisco, United States

Brad, Nitkita, Holly and I went for a road trip and visited different parks. We went to Fort Funston and Lands end. It was another kind of beauty I didn't know existed in San Francisco. It was awesome. There were so many dogs running around that it was kinda cute. People were working as private dog walkers and had up to 15 dogs, (it at least looked like that. I filmed the wildness and will post a Video with all the dogs. I filmed many shots in the different parks. It was pretty beautiful. That was that day, indescribable, had to see it to believe it and I can achieve it by showing you film clips. Coming soon. Another thing that happened today, well, My camera broke.. So I can't take anymore pictures until now. Everything I touch is going to pieces.. Well That is life I guess.

permalink written by  Lamignan on November 12, 2008 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: California
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video 7

San Francisco, United States


permalink written by  Lamignan on November 10, 2008 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: California
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San francisco day 21

San Francisco, United States

Brad made me homemade pizza today and Beckie and Nikita came buy to eat with us. It was pretty nice. We then went to Baker Beach where I filmed the girls and interviewed them, and the interview kinda turned into them interviewing each other. As an artist I just let it go with the flow. I think I got 1 hours with them talking. And they're kinda interesting together, funny. Later that day Hollie invited me to go to bad movie day, I really wanted to go, cause they were showing bad star wars rip offs, this time starring David Hasselhoff. Who wouldn't want to see that? come on. I was so sad cause the time I was getting out the door it was already 10 to 8, and the film was starting at 8... Had no chance. But I told Hollie and hopefully will interview her tomorrow. I ended up editing the film with the brits witch I also uploaded on my blog. I am pretty satisfied with the result. After uploading the film I went to bed.. That is basically what happened. Feel that this whole week will be like this. I have 35 USD I can use until friday... Then it is Pay Day...

permalink written by  Lamignan on November 10, 2008 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: California
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