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Boxster Road Trip - As Planned

This is the plan (so far). We will be updating this as the planning progresses. Hoping to get lots of feedback as to places we should see, stop at, stay, eat, whatever. We know California, but the rest of our beautiful county is yet to be explored by us. So we are open to your suggestions! ...

permalink written by  toocooljo on February 27, 2014 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: Boxster Road Trip - As Planned

San Francisco

Entry text

permalink written by   on July 30, 2012 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: USA 2012 Tour

First post

I'm in san francisco right now~!!!

permalink written by  kristineadams on March 28, 2012 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: From the Belly of a Traveler


Today we're trying to decide whether of not to take malaria pills

permalink written by  robustican on January 2, 2012 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: Last night in Bangkok

San Francisco

Day 1. Visited Universal Studios. http://moviestowatchwhenbored.org/

permalink written by  dukestravels on December 13, 2011 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: San Francisco

De visita en Alcatraz y de tiendas

Hola, Ya estamos de vuelta en el hotel despues de un duro dia de caminatas. Primero hemos ido al Puerto a coger el Ferry para llevarnos a Alcatraz. Despues de un rodeo que nos han hecho dar con el barco, que luego cuento el por que, hemos llegado a la isla y hemos dado una vueltecilla por alli....

permalink written by  pabloheal on October 8, 2011 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: Viaje Novios USA

Dia de tours

Hola! Ahora son las 8:45 de la tarde y acabamos de llegar despues de todo el dia sin parar. Salimos a las 8:30 de la mañana y nos fuimos a los Pier que son los muelles.es una zona muy chula y tiene un monton de restaurantes en los que se suelencomer marisco y pescado. Hemos cogido un bus que nos...

permalink written by  pabloheal on October 7, 2011 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: Viaje Novios USA

going to sf

hI im going to san fransisco im soooo excited. Any who im going to a giants game sio im very excited about that. I also hear sterns warf is a pretty cool place so im excited. The only thing i worry about is i hear it is very cold and very expensive. Both are not a travelers best iteinerary...

permalink written by  robenagischer0125 on October 6, 2011 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: going to sf!!!

Hola San Francisco

Que tal?acabamos de llegar al hotel de San Francisco y tenemos wifi!!!!!yujuuu!!!!!asi podremos escribir mas a menudo. Aqui esta el tiempo un poquito mejor pero hace fresquito. Ahora en un rato nos iremos a cenar, a ver que encontramos porque estamos de porquerias hasta el moño. Mañana tenemos...

permalink written by  pabloheal on October 6, 2011 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: Viaje Novios USA

1st day

Après un long voyage et une nuit troublée par le décalage horaire, une première journée tout de même très active !

permalink written by  charty on August 8, 2011 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: 2011-08 West USA

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