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hachemi greffou

Belgium already has a disproportionately high accident rate, partly due to the appalling state of its third world roads, and partly due to the stupidity of the average Belgian driver. Once on a pedestrian crossing in a shopping street I was almost hit by a van. His head was tipped back, and he...

permalink written by  hachemigreffou on May 2, 2011 from Brussels, Belgium
from the travel blog: hachemi greffou

Day 4 (Continued)

And a brief layover in Belgium ...

permalink written by   on November 28, 2010 from Brussels, Belgium
from the travel blog: Dublin (2010)

Jumping in Bruxelles

A weekend 1h20 away from Paris, in Bruxelles, to eat some fries, have some beers and, guess what, jump indeed!

permalink written by  Sly on March 6, 2010 from Brussels, Belgium
from the travel blog: Jumping Around

Lovely Leuven

I am now in Paris, but I still want to write about my other great adventures in Belgium, and one of those is being in a place called Leuven. This will be a very quick post, will have to be on the run in a few mins. for venice! :)

permalink written by  Adore_Imagery on February 13, 2010 from Brussels, Belgium
from the travel blog: Brussels, Belgium

Belgian Genies

As I said before, I always refer to the Yangs as our angels in Germany, and now that we are here in Belgium, we have our own Genies, and there are to be exact, 5 of them. Genie 1 – Karina Verbruggen Genie 2- Chris Beeken Genie 3- Theo Lambaerts Genie 3 – Ron Verbruggen Genie 4 – Olga...

permalink written by  Adore_Imagery on February 13, 2010 from Brussels, Belgium
from the travel blog: Brussels, Belgium

Apprentice for Studio Kario

Here I am now, with my mom having the most wondeful experience again. We are on our way to Paris on the fastest train and unbelievably on 1st class travel again.We had no choice, everyone seems to be going to Paris, even booking our ticket 3 days earlier, there's no other place vacant, but...

permalink written by  Adore_Imagery on February 7, 2010 from Brussels, Belgium
from the travel blog: Brussels, Belgium

Day In Brussels

Today, we had the day off, so Rachel,Alana,Olga,Sasha and I went on the train to Brussels. We got a taxi to the station in Antwerp then the train, which was only 10 euros each! When we got there we wandered around looking at the sights. We found the little boy peeing, which Sasha found...

permalink written by  nicolaedwards on May 18, 2009 from Brussels, Belgium
from the travel blog: Silver Cloud


Our day in Brussels was hectic...we just had about 24 hours to see the sights, so we got on it quickly. Brussels seems to have nothing but churches, chocolate shops and restaurants/cafes! The selection was endless, and we enjoyed looking around the Grand Place and the vicinity. We did find...

permalink written by  corncobb on November 27, 2008 from Brussels, Belgium
from the travel blog: European Vacation 2008

Haunts that I never Occupied


permalink written by  lost_red_balloon on November 13, 2008 from Brussels, Belgium
from the travel blog: The European Union

Study Trip 2008: Bastogne, Luxembourg, Brusells, Versailles, Paris

Sorry it has been a while since I have been able to post. I have been out of Maastricht for the past week and I did not take my computer with me. I just uploaded a ton of photos so please check those out. The past week has been one of the best of my life. Last Sunday we all woke up early in...

permalink written by  chewstew on August 30, 2008 from Brussels, Belgium
from the travel blog: Study Abroad Trip: Maastricht 2008

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