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Have you been in Benin? (I have just been.)

We spent the last week-and-a-half in Benin, which is absolutely beautiful, by the way. The bus ride was not as wonderful, lasting fifteen hours on the first day and ten on the second. We tried to keep ourselves busy, though, as evidenced by Rumanatu and her birthday champagne: When we...

permalink written by  The Boston Wanderer on November 9, 2008 from Cotonou, Benin
from the travel blog: Sandstorms


National Geographic magazine opened my eyes to Africa as a kid and that INFECTION has been a gentle nudge in the back of my mind ever since. It’s a common problem, there is no known cure and I’ve heard the more serious condition referred to as Mal d’Afrique. When I was 19 years old and...

permalink written by  roel krabbendam on March 9, 2007 from Cotonou, Benin
from the travel blog: Harmattan


Cotonou squats on the ocean at the mouth of the Lagune de Cotonou, under the voodoo forest of Benin. The sky is grey or Orange in March, the sun just a glimmering disk, the heat tolerable. The humidity will suck the life from you, however. This is the scene of Robert Wilson’s great detective...

permalink written by  roel krabbendam on March 3, 2007 from Cotonou, Benin
from the travel blog: Harmattan

Bonsoir, Pussycat

I expected to arrive at L’Etoile Rouge not far from the airport, assemble my bicycle, and head for the Sheraton: on the map, easy to find, internet access, air conditioning, outrageously expensive. Instead, I met Salissoutour Kassinou. Kassinou decided I should NOT pay the outrageous...

permalink written by  roel krabbendam on February 28, 2007 from Cotonou, Benin
from the travel blog: Harmattan

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