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Today we’re visiting construction sites: restoration projects, historical expansion projects, new construction, whatever we can find and barge in on. We start at another monastery, this one expanding with a new two story residential wing as well as a new temple that artfully swallows a much...

permalink written by  roel krabbendam on June 5, 2015 from Jakar, Bhutan
from the travel blog: Bhutan

Two heads not better than one

Above and to the east of our site lies the Tharpaling Monastery that gives our company in part it’s name. We spend the day there, the event a bit of a pilgrimage for the rest of the group. The hour drive from Jakar has become familiar to me now, winding through the Blue Pine forests of...

permalink written by  roel krabbendam on June 4, 2015 from Jakar, Bhutan
from the travel blog: Bhutan

Drinking it all in

We’re up at 4:30 am at my insistence that we experience the site at dawn. The valley is such that your first experience of the sun in the morning is not facing east but facing west, the light illuminating the western edge of the bowl: the fir trees on the western crest. Obvious...

permalink written by  roel krabbendam on June 3, 2015 from Jakar, Bhutan
from the travel blog: Bhutan

Day 9

In the morning, Dorji surprised Ellery with a handmade bow and arrow and she spent much of the morning practicing with her little monk friend before we left Jakar.

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on August 29, 2006 from Jakar, Bhutan
from the travel blog: Bhutan and India (2006)

Day 8 (Continued)

Returning to the hotel, I took a short hike to a very small village above the hotel, passing many children also wanting their photos taken. Palden looked through our purchases from Thimphu -- clearly from the look on his face, I overpaid for the dagger but probably got my money's worth for the...

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on August 28, 2006 from Jakar, Bhutan
from the travel blog: Bhutan and India (2006)

Day 7

This morning consisted of another beautiful drive up to the highest pass we'll encounter, Yotong La. From there we headed down into the Bumthang region. The first calley we came to was Chhume, which at the time was without water or electricity. We stopped only briefly here at a weaving...

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on August 27, 2006 from Jakar, Bhutan
from the travel blog: Bhutan and India (2006)

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