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Bulgarian Adventures

I know its been quite a while since my last entry, but there hasn't been very much to write about, other than a lot of work in the theater, and many dance parties afterward! I finished my performance creating workshop with Jed Allen Harris last week with a 20 minute performance that I created...

permalink written by  NarSisyphus on August 2, 2008 from Smolyan, Bulgaria
from the travel blog: Bulgaria, London, and everywhere In-between

The Beginning

So here it is... the first entry of hopefully many to come! I am now in Smolyan, Bulgaria- a beautiful town in the Rodopi Mountains of Bulgaria- taking classes and workshops for the theatre arts. Let me start by answering the most common question- why Bulgaria? We come here because of...

permalink written by  NarSisyphus on July 13, 2008 from Smolyan, Bulgaria
from the travel blog: Bulgaria, London, and everywhere In-between

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