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Siella missa pippuri kasvaa

Sanonta mene sinne missa pippuri kasvaa ei paase sen todemmaksi kuin taalla Kampotissa, josta on kotoisin maailmankuulut pippurit. Kavin plantaasilla katsomassa miten kasvatus tapahtuu, ja nain niita pippureitakin, vaikka varsinaisesti sato oli juuri korjattu ja uusi ei ollut viela...

permalink written by  rosabella on May 12, 2012 from Kampot, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Kaukana kotoa: Siperian halki ja matkantekoa Itä-Aasiassa


Kampot has a completely different feel to it than Kep. The centre of town is less green & feels more industrious, & it's It's certainly a lot bigger & more developed - but the 'things to do' list is relatively small. It was until we got to Pnomh Penh that we learned Kampot literally went from...

permalink written by  mich_and_dan_moors on September 30, 2011 from Kampot, Cambodia
from the travel blog: mich_and_dan_moors's Travel Blog

Last day at Blissful...

Well now it is our official last day at Blissful and we spent it hungover and trying to recover. Nice to spend a day the other side of the bar, watching rugby and nothing not a lot else. Nice early night!

permalink written by  chrischarly on September 18, 2011 from Kampot, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's Passage through SE Asia

Oh dear...

Well it is our unofficial last day at Blissful and as tradition goes, Ezza, Dick and co planned to get us wasted! First off we had the big pool final, previous matches had been won by Chris 5-4 then Ezza 5-4, so this was a big deal, so we headed off to Wunderbar at 11.00. We started without a...

permalink written by  chrischarly on September 17, 2011 from Kampot, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's Passage through SE Asia

Another quiet day

Very quiet and boring day. Very few customers, so the night dragged slowly by. But we did finish up early which of course is a bonus.

permalink written by  chrischarly on September 16, 2011 from Kampot, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's Passage through SE Asia

12 days of work originally, now 3 weeks...

Well, we were supposed to absolutely leave today, after delaying it day by day and finally go and see Ankor Wat, The killing Fields and S21. But we decided instead of rushing it, we would just have to come back again… one day... Dick and Ezza want us to come back and work here again, so...

permalink written by  chrischarly on September 15, 2011 from Kampot, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's Passage through SE Asia

Again... poker night

Poker night again. I spent 2 hours teaching a very hung-over Olly (another traveller) how to play before I started work as he had never played before as he was desperate to play. But after all my hard work playing teacher, to make him feel better and get rid of his hang-over, he drank 5 shots...

permalink written by  chrischarly on September 14, 2011 from Kampot, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's Passage through SE Asia

Day 2 of hangover

Day 2 of the hangover for old man Chris. Managed to get out for second round of the pool championships between Chris and Ezza. Chris lost 5-4 so now 1 match each, decider scheduled for Saturday. Had a fairly quiet night and a few beers then early night.

permalink written by  chrischarly on September 13, 2011 from Kampot, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's Passage through SE Asia


Ouch! What happened last night. Had many ice coffees, Royal D’s (vitamin isotonic drinks) and Comfort food. Oh and no beer. Had another fairly busy night, glad to get to bed…….

permalink written by  chrischarly on September 12, 2011 from Kampot, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's Passage through SE Asia

Stupidly messy night...

Had a nice roast Chicken lunch today, well shared one as they are huge. Had a pretty busy evening and enjoyed a few beers throughout the evening , and some very tasty Mongolian vodka, courtesy of Clement, an old Blissful barman who returned today. Ezza was on top form as Clement was back and...

permalink written by  chrischarly on September 11, 2011 from Kampot, Cambodia
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's Passage through SE Asia

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