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Back To BC

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Must Haz Sleep Now!

Springville, United States

Friday April 17 2009
SO Tired So Very Tired
I am so very tired. to tired to blog. So ill just ramble a bit.
I drove all day then late into the night, trying to make it to Salt Lake City, UT from Albuquerque, NM

The weather was a bit crazy, This morning it was just Snowing like crazy, Then all at once it got Sunny and not even a sign of snow could be found.
Even tho we had some delays I'd like to think that we covered a decent amount of ground today.

Well I'm just going to leave things at that for now, (TO BE CONTINUED)
Good night Cameron out

permalink written by  CameronSD on April 17, 2009 from Springville, United States
from the travel blog: Back To BC
tagged SoTired

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Leg Two, Part 1

Elk City, United States

April/16/2009, 2:30am CST
Leg Two, part 1
Leg Two consist of Little Rock AR to Amarillo TX.
This leg is exceptionally long and arduous so its a two parter.
We decided to go ahead and stop before it got too late, so that we can get an early start.
so here is what our trip today looked like
Forrest City, AR where we slept last night to Little Rock, AR along the I40 to Fort Smith, AR then passing through Oklahoma City, OK and finally arriving at the Days Inn - Elk City, OK on 2500 South Main Street I-40
exit 38, where we will be staying for the night, and Tomorrow we will finish Leg Two in Amarillo TX.

Well even though there wasn't much to see and Dad didn't want to stop
for any photo opportunity's, The random obscenities had stopped from yesterday so I just let him have his way. I did however managed to snap a few shots from the drivers seat. Photo Comments will have to come tomorrow Its getting late and I'll be up Early.
Cameron Out!

permalink written by  CameronSD on April 16, 2009 from Elk City, United States
from the travel blog: Back To BC
tagged LegTwoPartOneSundownOnOkStreets

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Leg Two, Part 2

Albuquerque, United States

April 16 2009 2:21am MST
Leg Two Part Two
( you might be a redneck )
I awoke this morning to hear my dad in what seemed like a state of absolute panic, Apparently we were going to be in-store for a little rain and if we continued on our preplanned route take us close to Denver, CO we would surly meet our doom!!! well according to dad that is. I can already tell its going to be a long day and I had only just woke up.

so after checking on the weather and planning a new route that will take us even farther into the west we set off. From Elk City OK to Albuquerque, NM 432 mi – about 6 hours 10 min, And ending Leg Two of the trip.

Well I Finally Had it, I had heard enough. Dad has been a miserable ignorant childish teabag for the entire trip and today was the straw that broke the camels back so I told him to "Shout the Fuk up!". Every time we had to stop to get gas in the center of any city larger than one red light he called it a" Goddamn nigger town". He pulled that same thing once again when we stopped for gas in Albuquerque, NM. (Witch according to my dad is a "nigger town").

I wasn't going to put up with anymore Bitching, and if he said and i quote "God damn, Fukin'Shit, or Nigger Town" one more time I was going to personally club him over the head, throw him in the trunk and drive him to the middle of a real Ghetto and write KKK4Life on his back.
But I digress, Honestly enough is enough and I have had enough, So Tomorrow I may be Ditching him at the greyhound.

Oh and one more thing, Just as I was starting to draw this entry to a close, There was a knock on the door, So I hop up to see whats going on. when i open the door to my pleasant surprise stands a 5'3" Hot Blond about half naked in her undies and a tight tank top holding the Ice pale, she said to me "UmM oops sorry wrong room", at the same time in my head I'm thinking "Ooh No you got the right room baby" (True Story)
-Cameron Out

permalink written by  CameronSD on April 16, 2009 from Albuquerque, United States
from the travel blog: Back To BC
tagged LegTwoPartTwoNiggerTown

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Leg One

Little Rock, United States

April 15 2008 2:58am
Leg One
Well its the end of day one and the first leg in my trip back.
My ass is numb, my eyes are tired, my brain hurts, and I am just exhausted.
The trip was Hectic to say the least, I thought not planning a route, and just going with the flow was a good idea... boy was I wrong.

Dad was freaking out for the main duration of the trip, For example
every time someone in front of us would tap there breaks dad would say
"Shit tha fuk!! CaM slow the hell down, Godd@m". I "shit tha fuk" you not, he would really say that. Sounds funny at first but after 600+Miles of shit fuk, I'm really starting to wonder if dad has Turrets.

Well I really should be getting to sleep its almost 3am here
Unfortunately No pictures of the first day :( but trust me your not missing anything here, The hotel is a dump but it has "the interz web".

End of leg one Gordon, Ga to Little Rock, Ar (620+Miles)

permalink written by  CameronSD on April 15, 2009 from Little Rock, United States
from the travel blog: Back To BC
tagged LegOne

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Prepairing for D-day

Gordon, United States

Friday: 9:00pm: April 10 2009
2 Days Before Departure.

Well I got tons of things to do before I leave, and I Just don't know where to begin. Even tho I have been back in Ga for over 6 months looking back it seems like only a few weeks have past since I left Kelowna BC.
That's the way it is down here In Gordon Georgia, nothing ever changes here so time seems to slip by so fast, and although I am going to miss my family so very much, I wont miss the sad memories this place brings back.
I Just cant wait to leave, Cant wait to be back in BC.

permalink written by  CameronSD on April 10, 2009 from Gordon, United States
from the travel blog: Back To BC
tagged 2DaysBeforDeparture

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