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Jump in the waterfall, it's REALLY safe!

Leaving Saskatoon to go to Thunder Bay was a slightly sad experience. It had been absolutely fantastic to see Stu and hang out for a week or so. Also, meeting Amanda and Andrew was great! Arriving into Thunder Bay after 20 hours on a bus was... Interesting. The cab driver at the Greyhound...

permalink written by  haveyouseenmypassport on June 18, 2007 from Thunder Bay, Canada
from the travel blog: To infinity!.. and... beyond... uh.....

So, I might be afraid of heights...

Arriving into ThunderBay in the evening...things were a little off kilter from the beginning. From our taxi driver, trying VERY hard to take us to the Super 8 Motel, even when we gave him the exact address of the our hostel. The fact that he said we were going to be in a dodgy part of town,...

permalink written by  no_fosters_thanks on June 16, 2007 from Thunder Bay, Canada
from the travel blog: Canada

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