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Tippin the hat to Medellin

I slept one night to the hacking and grunting that had been going on every night for the past 17 days in my couchsurfing apartment. I awoke and took my last shower in that icy stream that had no shower head, but only a rusty old pipe. I took one last glance out the 11th Story window, seeing the...

permalink written by  kipmaddog on August 20, 2009 from Medellin, Colombia
from the travel blog: adventures from down south

Shakin wit fright in an ole elevator

Only 150 pesos for a phone call, I think to myself, as I walk up to the elevator and press the up button. I t gloes red as i wait for the elevator to come down to floor 1. The number panel says 15, so I sit on a step and wait for the elevator to make it down to 1. I sit and wait 2...

permalink written by  kipmaddog on August 19, 2009 from Medellin, Colombia
from the travel blog: adventures from down south

The city known for Breast Implants and Silicone Butt-cheeks

Colombians are some of the most curious people I have met in this lifetime. everywhere I go I get a stare. I dont know whether its the fact that I am taller than most of the locals, they like to curiously check out anything and everything that comes into their path of vision, or maybe a...

permalink written by  kipmaddog on August 13, 2009 from Medellin, Colombia
from the travel blog: adventures from down south

The City Gives Me A Beat To Tap My Walkin Shoes....

I walked into a dimly-lit, Victorian-style, theater the other night for a bit of theatrical amusement. The event taking place was known as the Teatro de Los Cuentos, or the theater of short stories. A friend and I walked down some stairs to this theater which was underground. We were 20 minutes...

permalink written by  kipmaddog on August 11, 2009 from Medellin, Colombia
from the travel blog: adventures from down south

Heres some more thoughts

The real trick of a tourist walking the downtown street of any Colombian city is to not look like a tourist. I had this look down quite well. Walking at a pace that isnt faster or slower than the person next to you, you must never make eye contact with anyone, especially in any downtown distcit....

permalink written by  kipmaddog on August 6, 2009 from Medellin, Colombia
from the travel blog: adventures from down south

medellin, where its spring all year long

I awoke the other morning realizing that everything in Colombia is built for people five foot seven and under. I was thinking: everytime I am in a public place I am bumping into someone, hitting my head on a damn door frame, getting stuck in a computer desk at an internet cafe, or having to sit...

permalink written by  kipmaddog on August 3, 2009 from Medellin, Colombia
from the travel blog: adventures from down south

this could be the heart of colombia

medellin is a town of 2.5 million people, resting in an enormous, lush valley, in pretty much the center of colombia. as one approaches medellin by bus, one cuts through these giant green mountains, downward to an open valley below. once the town of medellin is in ones sight, it loos like a...

permalink written by  kipmaddog on August 2, 2009 from Medellin, Colombia
from the travel blog: adventures from down south

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