My Stuff
Last Week
New Zealand
Well chaps and chapessess. This is it. The big one. The one we've all been waiting for.
The countdown has begun until I'm on the plane and going to the USA.
Accomodation: Sorted. Paid for. Done.
Army worries: Punishment for minor crimes taken and discharged. I'm free to go -
(a bit alarming was them asking me WHERE I was going a day and a half before I left them, but in hindsight this is a good thing. The less they actaully care about me, the more freedom I have.)
Food: Haven't paid for. Will put on the highest prioirty when I arrive.
New Camera: Paid for. Won't work on the laptop I'll be taking. Drat!!
Clothes: A day of pain and agony have resulted in a wardrobe that my perants don't cringe over, and that I feel comfortable in. My little sister came as well, and I notice she still thinks that the bigger and uglier the belt is the more fashionable the outfit beomces. Urrrgh.
Travel: Booked and paid for tickets to
, then to San Fransico. Good/great friends of my family coming hugely long way to meet me at the airport. Feeling guilty about that. Feeling happy they're coming though!
hasn't changed its mind. I'm coming now if it's ready or not!
I have had two parties - one my friends' birthday and one going away party. My friends' birthday was very fun (for me) but when I get nervous I get loud and annoying, so I don't know if everyone else had such a great time. (Mental cringe factor going on here.)
Leaving dinner was for family - very nice, but all my social energy was exhusted by the stupid shopping and I was as drained as a stien of beer before Gillain's birthday. (In joke - sorry. That's pretty drained.)
Next post will be from the land of the free. I don't know why they call it that, because nothing in America is free, not even if you have a heart attack, but hey. Maybe that's why they call it the home of the brave?
written by
on August 12, 2007
New Zealand
from the travel blog:
New Zealand Student, American University.
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2 Trips
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I am a second year Officer Cadet in the Royal New Zealand Army, going for a trip to Berkeley (University of California) in the United States. I have a sense of humour, poor organisational skills, and collect clocks.
What more can I say?
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