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Hi Jason,

We love the site but would love it even more if you could somehow add Dharamsala, India to the list of locations.

We've just spent 3 weeks there, it definately exists...

Many thanks,


permalink written by  jonnik on September 12, 2007

Looks like it's in there, but under the wrong name. I hope this is the right one:



We actually have a way for you to add missing places to the map by hand if you want. If you're looking at the "Maps" tab, you should find a little "Add Stuff" link at the bottom of the map. You can go nuts with that and add whatever you want to the map. Mis-named cities, mysteriously greyed out islands off the coast of Thailand, the house you grew up in, whatever. Stick it on at your leisure and you'll be able to write blog entries from there!

Hope the trip goes well!


permalink written by  Jason Kester on September 15, 2007

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