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Hi Jason, First of all thanks for the super-fast response.
It looks as though the problem happens when there are too many cities of the same name name. Your World Browser city-search drop-down only displays 20 cities, so if there are more than 20 cities with the same name.. well the city does not turn up.
For example, at the moment, the Bolivian city of Potosi is too far down the list (Maybe tomorrow it will be higher up the list)
Suggested possible solutions:
1. Make most popular city appear first
2. Put a scroll arrow at the bottom of the list
3. Fix the country part of the search - for example, if I type "potosi, Bolivia", the "Bolivia" part gets ignored and it keeps showing "Potosi, Cuba" etc. in the list

Sorry if that description is a little long. I really love having Blogabond on my blog!

permalink written by  taraanddamon on November 18, 2007

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