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Blog entries aren't working

I'm trying to put up my first blog, and everything that I have written is'nt coming up, and I can't find it, I've tried saving, writing drafts, but have lost all my writing. It keeps telling me there is an error when I try to look up the blog entries also. The only thing working is my photos. Is there a trick to it or am I doing it wrong? Please help!
I also have 3 trips up when we are only using one and I can't delete them.
Help would be greatly appreciated!!

permalink written by  Pete+Rochelle on October 1, 2010

That would be my fault. Looks like our spam filter didn't like the look of your first post, and proceeded to flag up all your stuff.

(among your offences was the phrase "approximately 7 million", which evidently has been used a dozen times by spammers but never by a real person until now)

Anyway, I've flipped the switch that turns your account back on. And I've marked it so that it can avoid having to deal with the spam filter in the future.

Sorry for the hassle!

permalink written by  Jason Kester on October 1, 2010

Thank you so much for the help- I'm not the wisest when it comes to technology so thought it was me!!! Looking forward to passing on our adventures.

permalink written by  Pete+Rochelle on October 2, 2010

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