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your doing very well Britt, good to hear that i don't stand alone - i too had a party when i was in Aberdeen and next thing i knew the apartment was full along with the hallway, not to mention all the damage and the conplaining neighbours, and on and on. Quite the night, i still look back and chuckle and shutter. I hear ya about the scottish, try answering the phone all day to the scottish, and then don't forget that every town, city have their own version of scottish mix gaelic mix german - not to mention how fast they talk, so that in itself was entertaining, hmmmmmmmmmmmm i think i told ya that already. unfortunately, for me i was working in Kelowna prior to palm springs for the week, anyway i missed reading your blog, good to be back in touch. ps having a blast with your mom, aunties and uncies here in palm springs, doing a lot of laughing and relaxing, how enjoyable is that.

permalink written by  myrn on October 22, 2006

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