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Montealegre en Cantabria, West of Castro-Urdiales

Checking Montealegre towns in Spain, I found four I knew about; two which are not commonly found unless one knows, and two other more commonly known.
Montealegre de Campos is known because of the Castle of the same name NNW of Valladolid. Montealegre del Castillo, ESE of Albacete, is also known.
Montealegre Alto, ESE of Jerez de La Frontera, by Cadiz in not commonly known, and the one plainly called Montealegre, by Ponterrada, Leon, is commonly confounded by the one NNW of Valladolid.
One that does not appear throguh your gazeteer is the one in Cantabria, almost due East of Castro-Urdiales, WNW of Bilbao.
The following are the coordinates:
X: -698100m ; Y: 5221200m
Lat: 42:35:32N (42.5922) ; Lon: 6:16:18W (-6.2717)
Web Address: www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?lat=42.5922&lon=-6.2717&scale=5000&icon=x

Montealegre de Campos
X: -545000m ; Y: 5117700m
Lat: 41:54:07N (41.9018) ; Lon: 4:53:50W (-4.8971)
Web Address: www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?lat=41.9018&lon=-4.8971&scale=5000&icon=x

Montealegre Alto

Montealegre del Castillo
X: -147900m ; Y: 4664500m
Lat: 38:47:15N (38.7876) ; Lon: 1:19:46W (-1.3295)
Web Address: www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?lat=38.7876&lon=-1.3295&scale=10000&icon=x

Montealegre, Cantabria

permalink written by  A. F. Montealegre (Mr.) on October 31, 2006

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