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Bangalore - "Same, Same- but different"

Bangalore, India

Being a major city, Bangalore was very busy and very expensive compared to other places we'd visited so far. We checked into a hotel, as opposed to a homestay, which was probably the most plush place we'd stayed so far but we paid the price- about 4 times as much as we were used to. It even had a TV. Get us!!!
However this was the place where both Dan & I took it in turns to lose the plot...........the things that set us off were mainly the rickshaw drivers who ignored us when we asked to go somewhere but then insisted on taking us to where THEY wanted to, for whatever price that popped into their head. Or sometimes blatantly lying telling us 'oh no it's closed now, I'll take you xxxx that is open'. Oh and sometimes another guy would hop on just for the ride & try to take us where HE wanted to go, so he'd receive a commission. As they say in India "Same, Same. But different" ;-)
On the plus side (kind of), Bangalore was full of the things us tourists love.....Western shops. And plenty of them. Levis,M&S, Nike, Lacoste, as well as Hard Rock cafe, Pizza Hut, Nando's. Ashamedly we gorged ourselves on as much as we could (which actually gave us our first ever experience of 'Delhi Belly'), including shopping, and even went to watch a movie. We really just wanted to escape from the madness for a few days and kind of feel Normal.
We did see some of the sights too such as the Botanical Gardens and the Black Bull Temple, but I think we both came to realise that however much we love India the Cities are just not for us!

permalink written by  mich_and_dan_moors on March 29, 2011 from Bangalore, India
from the travel blog: mich_and_dan_moors's Travel Blog
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I just read a book that was based around a Story in Bangalore. From what you said perhaps it wasn't as fictional as the title implied :)

permalink written by  redken on May 19, 2011

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