My Stuff
I´m learning so much..
Yesterday I had a really cool experience. I have probably already mentioned the fact that we are teaching the life skills workshop to teachers at a local school so they can replicate it with their students. My job there is mostly as a support for the main guy, David, getting materials ready, handing them out, etc. He has told me I can lead the activities if I like, but since I´m not too familiar with it, and the teachers have to really learn it so they can do it themselves, I have been hanging back a lot. It´s cool anyway because I´m learning so much, and the teachers really act like little kids, they get so into the activities.
Anyway, one of the dynamics teaches kids to express their emotions and let other people know when they have appreciated something or when they disliked something as a part of exercising assertive forms of communication. In this dynamic one person would sit in a chair facing another (who could sit in for other people not present, like parents, friends, etc.), and then they would express what they felt and why. It was pretty cool to see teachers opening up to each other. A lot of tensions have been released in their work spaces though the workshops we have been playing.
In this particular exercise, I really wanted to participate, so I did. I asked David to sit with me, and I thanked him. I have been here for a little over a week, and it has not always been easy. There have been days I feel really lonely, in a strange place, with no friends or family. But even then, when I go with David on those field visits, he always makes me feel so comfortable to ask questions, give my opinions.. he is the person I am closest to here, and not just because of how much time we spend together. He is awesome and I wanted to let him know. I don´t know why, though, I started crying (actually, for those of you who know me best, you probably think that is not too far from my usual self..). It was a good cry though. I am in a strange place but there are all these amazing people around me, teahcing me so much, and I´m relaizing that slowly.
I still don´t know how to turn pictures, but I really like this one I took. The card says something like, "Kids need more role models than critics". It was for one of the activities..
And for some really exciting news, my boss informed me today that I am going to be creating my own workshop for the kids! It will be about their rights, about an hour long, and the program will be using it even after I leave!!!
Ahh! I´m so excited.
Ideas? It´s not gonna be easy, but I´m up for a challenge =)
written by
on May 22, 2008
from the travel blog:
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You will be wonderful--they are so lucky to have you there.
written by Eric Selbin on May 22, 2008
Me hiciste acordar cuando llegaste a la casa con los derechos de los ninos y bajo esa premisa querias hacer lo que querias... pero yo te dije... si tienes derechos pero al mismo tiempo tienes deberes, y estos son tus deberes...
written by Sabrina Casadiego on May 22, 2008
Querida Diana,
Una de las cosas que más de disfruto de mi trabajo -la verdad, la que más disfruto - es conocer a gente interesante, buena y con las suficientes fuerzas y motivaciones de cambiar o mejorar este mundo.
Gracias por todo tu trabajo, por tu esfuerzo como voluntaria y por toda tu dedicación en este proyecto.
Lo siento por estos momentos de
que en ocasiones puedes tener, pero, estoy segura que con el tiempo verás que fueron sólo eso: momentos.
Estoy ansiosa de verte cuando regreses a Lima y nos cuentes sobre tu experiencia en
Un beso y abrazo,
written by Maricarmen on May 26, 2008
Dear Diana.
I think I understand your feelings and why you cried. It is amazing the work you and the other teachers in
are doing, thanks for sharing it.
When you live in a developing country like myself (I live in Mexico), it could be very frustrating seeing situations like the ones you are facing (exploited kids, teachers not being paid, etc.), although I have never experienced such an extreme environment like the one you are in right now. By sharing it, you are helping us to be more sensitive to people who are not as privilege as we are.
Thanks again, and me like Andres I envy you.
written by Gemma Rendon on May 30, 2008
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